Shopping List (xMedic)

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-----Author's note-----

Hello everyone! This is requested by FoxyDaOrangePirate! Thank you Foxy~☆☆

Ah, also, Persistance(xSpy), Camper (xSniper) and Tanker(xEngineer)  have been updated/edited, so check them out if you liked them! ^_^

Medic was going through his shopping list as he casually strolled down the aisle, pushing a shopping cart.

○2 Boxes of cereal (chocolate/sugar coated)
●Canned beans
○Coffee beans

Archimedes gave a coo and Medic looked up. He and the dove saw you pushing a cart from the opposite end, reading the back of a jar of peanut butter.

"Oh, zhis is gute!"

He strolled right up next to you.
Being so aborbed in the ingrediants that were used in peanut butter, you didn't notice the large hand karate chopping your neck.


You blacked out.


You groaned. It felt like you pulled a muscle in your neck! You groggily opened your eyes to find a bright light of a surgeon's light blinding you. You looked around to find yourself bound, laying on a examination table.

"Wait a minute.."

Was it...

Medic walked in the room.

Yes it was.


You shouted angrily and the (RED/BLU) Medic turned to you with a wide grin.

"Hallo Fräulein (y/n)! How are jou feeling?♡"

You were seriously pissed off.

"Medic!!! I told you to stop doing this!! This is so creepy!!"

Ever since you joined the opposite team, the enemy Medic had fallen in love with you, always trying to pick you up in the midst of battle.

Throwing you over his shoulder or picking you up bridal style, every time he saw you he tried to kidnap you, and you would always yell at him, wacking his head while trying to get out of his grasp. Both RED and BLU found this rather amusing and cute, if not a bit creepy.

"Damn it Medic!! Why can't you act like a normal---oh hey Archimedes"

Archimedes cooed on your head.

"--Act like a normal person?!

He merely chuckled and walked towards you.

"But Fräu, jou zaid jou vould never go out vith me, leaving me no choice but to kidnap jou."


Medic pondered for a bit.

"Oh ja, I remember now!"

You groaned, wondering how you'll escape this time.

----Flash back----

Medic had the biggest, dorkiest smile that could ever grace a person's face as he laughed, carrying you in his arms as you angrily punched his face, kicking and squriming like crazy.


Another time, during one of the many battles you had with (RED/BLU) You were about to be backstabbed by the enemy Spy when a voice rang out.

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