Hot Chocolate (xHeavy)

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----Author's note----
Hello lovelies! This was not a request, I'm still working on them so don't panic. I find writing rather difficult or discouraging these days. But I'll do what I can, so please be patient with me my dears~

It was snowing heavily outside. Large snowflakes were falling like balls of cotton. Covering everything in a thick blanket of snow, the mercenaries were on ceasefire.

Everyone seemed to relax, doing their own things, sipping cocoa or lounging by the fire. Everyone except Heavy.

The snow made him even busier than ever! He changed the snow tires on the vehicles with Engineer, start organizing food or shovel snow. Well that ain't gonna happen!

Speaking of the devil, he was walking past you as you sat at the window seat, watching the snow. He walked away with a shovel over his shoulder.

"Hey Heavy!! Where are you going?"

He turned and gave a small grunt.

"Is too much snow, Heavy must shovel."

You pulled his arm.

"C'mon!! Let's go sit by the fire! You can shovel later!"

"Nyet. Shoveling must start now."

You pouted. This wasn't going to be easy was it? But you had a special weapon.

"I'll even make..."

You leaned towards him.

"Hot chocolate..!"

Heavy lifted you up and sat you by the window seat again.

"Leetle (y/n) can drink chocolate drink instead. Heavy must go."

And with that, he walked away, leaving you miffed, crossing your arms by the window.


Heavy was shoveling a walkway when you burst out the door.

"Heeeavvyyy!!! Let's play in the sn-"

You flopped down headfirst into the snow. Since the snow reached up to your waist, you fell pretty deep.

Stuck, you flailed around, trying to get up. Heavy walked on over and grabbed you, pulling you out of the snow, dusting you off.

"(Y/n) is too tiny for snow. Go back inside or you will catch cold."

Heavy tried to pick you up again when you grabbed his waist.

"Fine!! We don't have to play! I can help you shovel snow!"

Heavy snorted and looked down at you. You were still half submerged in snow, barely able to move.

"Come onnnn!! There must be something I can do!"

Heavy raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment. Then he nodded.

"Da there is something leetle (y/n) can do"

"Really???? What's that???"


"Watch the fire burn?! Seriously?!?"

Heavy nodded and pointed towards the fireplace.

"Yes, do not move until last wood is burned away."

You turned back to the fireplace. There were a mountain of firewood.

"Damn it..."

Heavy walked away, and Sniper walked in, rubbing his hands together.

"Bloody hell, this place is freezing! Maybe we should put in some more firewoo-"



Heavy was shoveling mountains of snow away, thinking about you as he did.

He was worried about you. You weren't exactly built for the snow, and he was worried that you might get sick. He lived his entire life in the tundra, so it was fine, but what about you? You always dogged his footsteps, smiling with those shining eyes you gave him. He can't let you follow him out into the cold!

Just then, he heard a loud bang of a door. He turned to see that you came out with a huge smile on your face!

"Heavy!! The wood's all gone now!"

Heavy frowned at your words.

"Not possible! How can this happen?"

He followed you to the living room and found the fireplace to be nothing more than a blackened pit, filled with ashes and dying embers.

As he examined the firepit, you gave Pyro a high five behind Heavy's back.
Giving a cough, you walked up to him.

"Sooo?? Can I help you now??"

Heavy gave a sigh.

"It is better for (y/n) to stay inside, Heavy does not need help."

You face fell, and your shoulders sagged in defeat. It was something Heavy could not bear to see.


Your lower lip quivered, and Heavy flinched.

"Nyet..!! (Y/n)....!"

Hesitating, Heavy looked around, trying to think of a distraction. He found Pyro, but he only shrugged, looking right back at Heavy.

Heavy Groaned, and he grabbed your shoulders. You looked up at the giant.

"Heavy will have chocolate drink"

You instantly beamed! Your crocodile tears worked! Heavy flinched again to see that you smile so soon. He'd been tricked..again.

"Yeah!!!! Alright! Let me go get some mugs!!"

Heavy sighed and started another fire, while Pyro giggled in the background.


You sat happily in Heavy's lap, giggling as you sipped your hot cocoa.

"And then.. he said he couldn't!!"

You gave out another giggle and Heavy gave a chuckle.

He took a sip, and when he brought the mug down there was a chocolate mustache. Bursting out laughing, you wiped tears away, and Heavy laughed as well.

"Come here.. let me get that for you!"

You brought yourself up and wiped his mustache away with your thumb. You smiled and were about to sit down, when a sudden draft passed, making you shiver.

"Ugh.. there must be a crack somewhere.."

Heavy opened the jacket he was wearing and stuffed you inside, making you turn red.


He ignored you and zipped the jacket up. His body was really really warm! Almost on the verge of being hot! You giggled and leaned back into him, and he looked down at you smiling.

"I fit perfectly here! I should stay inside your jacket more often!"

He chuckled and held you tighter.

You looked up and kissed the side of his jaw, surprising Heavy.

Heavy just stared back. You started getting nervous. Maybe you shouldn't have-

Heavy closed the distance just as suddenly as you did. And the both of you tasted hot chocolate.

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