Camper (xSniper)

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-----Author's note-----
I edited it a bit because I thought it was a bit rushed xD No major changes though!


So much snow.

The whole fort was buried deep in snow, and you were shivering under a thick blanket, sitting on a chair in front of Medic.

You and the guys were in the rec room, Engineer and Heavy were playing chess, Demo was passed out, Spy was in his room, Pyro and Soldier were around the fireplace while Scout was watching you and Medic have a mini check up.

Sniper was leaning against the wall, pretending to sharpen his kukri while watching you carefully.

He always had a crush on you, ever since you came to the base. He was a hard stubborn Aussie. A man of solitude. But everything about him seemed to collasp as you waltzed into his life unintentionally.

"Say ah! Fräulein"


You opened your mouth and Medic peered in. He sat back in his chair and sighed.

"Zhis is not gut Fräulein (y/n). Jou do not haff any sickness but jou cannot vithstand zhe cold."

"What do you mean doc?"

Medic rubbed his eyes and spoke in a concerned tone.

"Jou haff no fat to varm jou, nor do jou have enough body heat to keep."

It was true, ever since you all switched bases you have lost weight drastically due to the enviornment. Everyone was worried about you, especially Sniper.

You protested.

"What?! But look at Scout and Sniper! Or Spy! They're like, really thin but they're still kicking!"

Sniper felt his heart skipped a beat when you said his name.

"Yes, but zheir bodies haff enough heat. It zeems jour body is naturally cooler zhan zhe others."

You grumbled a bit, you still wanted to go to battle, but Medic forbid you to go unless you gained more weight or found some way to produce more body heat.

You shivered violently and Scout (who was like your best friend) gave you a hug.

"Awww it's okay (y/n)!! I'll try not to have too much fun without ya on the battlefield!"

You laughed and gave Scout a playful punch. Sniper saw this and felt his heart sink at the sight. He got up quickly and left the room. He couldn't stand to see you with another guy, but how could he stop you? You were free to do whatever you wanted.

Sniper trudged through the snow towards his camper, shuffling inside bitterly while thinking of you.

He wanted to be with you, hold you, or to be able to just hold your hand, but he never got the chance to show his feelings. Heck, he's never even had these feelings before.

He felt sick and lonely just thinking about you and Scout.

While Sniper was brooding in his camper, he heard a knock on the door. It was ceasefire, and he rarely spoke with the others unless nessessary, who could it be and what could they possibly want?

He opened the doors and saw you half submerged in the snow, shivering while clutching your favorite blanket around you.

"H-hey Sn-sni-sniper!!"

Your lips were blue and your hair was covered by a small mountain of snow. Sniper was surprised and hurriedly rushed you in.

"Bloody hell (y/n)! What do ya think your doin' outside in the cold! I thought Medic told you not to head out!"

Sniper dragged you to a small heater in the center of his camper, and you stretched your arms out towards it.

"Heh-heh, sorry. I-I was j-just worried ab-about y-you."

Sniper froze and saw you smiling as you shivered. You were worried about him?

"Worry 'bout me?? Why?"

You sneezed and continued.

"Y-you're all alone in the camper, a-and it l-looks really c-cold in here."

Sniper blushed and got out a mug of hot coffee and handed it to you.

"Oi'm foine on my own sweetheart, grew up in the bush learning to take care of meself."

You gave a weak laugh and accepted the cup of coffee. Taking a sip, you felt the heat spread out your body.

The two of you were around the heater, sipping coffee. You had a small smile on your face as you watched the yellow light of the heater, while Sniper merely admired how you seemed to glow.

You caught Sniper staring at you and smiled. Sniper quickly looked elsewhere while blushing furiously. Damn it, this was so embarrassing!

You held the blanket tighter around yourself and rocked your body back and forth, Sniper saw this and gave a concerned look.

"Still can't get warm Sheila?"

You nodded.

Sniper got up quickly and started rummaging through his stuff to find a blanket when suddenly you wrapped the blanket around the both of you.

"Can we stay like this?"

Sniper froze. Was this a dream? I mean, he often did think about stuff like this, having cute moments with you. It was all he ever really though of when he was alone actually. Except this time it was real.

He didn't know how to react at first, just standing there. He felt like his heart was going to explode!

He put you on his bed and he sat you on his lap while he hugged you from behind, with the blanket over the both of you.

He felt like he was in a dream, and couldn't believe what was happening.

"Feelin' better (y/n)?"

You giggled and nodded, kissing his temple when he gave a short jolt of surprise.

You felt his heat seep into your body and it felt like you were in a hot bath. You gave a long contented sigh and Sniper rubbed his thumb against your hand.

"There's something Oi've been wantin' to tell ya sheila."

You looked up at him and he nervously rubbed the back of his head and looked away for a bit before he met your eyes.

"Evah since you came to the base.. Oi've been in love with ya sheila. Oi.. Oi can't get ya outta my head. And Oi was wondering.. if.. if you'd.."

You gave a giggle and finished his words.

"Go steady with you?"

He swallowed hard and nodded. You turned around in his grasp, taking his face in your hands and laughed.

"I'd love to"

You kissed him and his eyes widened with surprise. He closed them and leaned into your kiss, running his fingers through your hair.

The two of you broke the kiss for air and Sniper gave a small chuckle.

"You're bloody amazing (y/n)"

You cuddled up to him and he tucked your head under his chin. He gave out a sigh of content.

The both of you were melting in each others embrace, and the little heater warmed the place up.

You slowly closed your eyes.

"This camper doesn't seem so cold anymore"

Sniper chuckled and laced his fingers with yours.

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