Tanker (xEngineer)

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-----Author's note-----
I do believe this is the first story I wrote the reader as a mercenary! If you would like your prespective to be like the other ones please tell me~

You were sitting on the hood of the Engineer's truck, reading something as your feet swayed back and forth, dangling on the edge of the huge truck, while the Engineer was working on some kind of machine right next to you.

Engineer looked up from what he was doing and stared at something behind you.

"What in tarnation...?"

You looked up from your book at Engineer's words, and turned your head towards whatever he was looking at.


Seeing nothing, you turned to look at Engineer, when your cheek met an outstretched finger.

The Engineer grinned and you gave a small pfft at being tricked. You went back to your reading.

Ever since you two met each other at the base, you became good friends.

But lately, the Engineer started teasing you.

A lot.

You kept reading your book when suddenly you heard your hard hatted friend calling you.

"Darlin' could you help me out with this?"

You looked up from your book to meet another poke from his finger.

He gave a chuckle and you turned a frown in his direction.

"Really Engie?"

"Sorry darlin' won't happen again"

You were about to turn to your book when you saw Engineer's face grow dead serious, taking out a wrench in the most fearsome manner, he looked behind you and gave a sharp cry,

"There's a spah creepin' around here!"

Instantly you shot up, grabbing your melee weapon, you turned around and tried to hunt the spy down.

"Where is he?!"

You were inturpted by an laughing Engineer who was grasping his knees and wiped tears from his eyes.


You were really annoyed with him now, grabbing your book and melee weapon, you started heading inside.

"Aww c'mon darlin' don't get mad!"

You pouted.

"Ah'll buy you some (favorite dish)!"

You stopped in your tracks. Dammit! If there was one weakness you had, it was (f/d). You reluctantly turned around and grumbled.

"And some dessert too?

Engie grinned, knowing that he got you.

"Of course darlin'!"



Food was definantly not your strong point.


Whether you were gullible or naive, you weren't sure. But if there was one thing you did know, is was that Dell would always manage to fool you.

You were always falling for his michievous little tricks, and at the end of it, you would be either be irritated with him, or turn into a flustered mess, or a mixture of the two.
You would angrily swat his arm or just pout until he would apologize half heartedly.

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