Spellbooks2 (xTF2)

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---Author's note---

I'm back lovelies! Did you miss me?? I didn't really feel like finishing this story, I kinda got sick of writing this you know? Well anyways, I've decided to come back from my break for good! And you all know that that means right?? YEP! A new request page will be up soon, so get your ideas ready! See you soon darlings!

Spy pulled away the debris off of you hurriedly, and Pyro was passing by.

"Pyro!! Come and 'elp me!"

Pyro looked over the pile of broken wood and stone. Tilting his head in confusion, he saw Spy kneeling before the heap of rubble and saw... you?

Pyro nodded and the two of them started digging you out.

You had been pierced by a long piece of wood and bled terribly. It was more than obvious that you would die soon if you didn't get any medical attention soon.

The two exchanged glances and Spy carried you towards Medic and Pyro covered the two of you.

Coming to a halt, they found Medic taking cover for a moment to dodge some strange spells flying around.


Spy bellowed at Medic and he looked at the three of you.

"Herr Spy! Vhat... It's zhe girl from before!"

"Doctor! Zhere is no time to explain! We must act now!"

Medic got ready to patch you up, and with a grimace, held the piece of wood that impaled you.

"Mein gott.. I hope zhe does not vake up.."

With that, he pulled the piece of wood out of you.

The excruciating pain woke you up and made you emit a blood curdling scream.

Medic hurriedly patched you up and used his medigun, making sure there were no splinters or small bits of wood stuck in you, and all the while you were wimpering incoherent words, tears streaming down your eyes.

"It hurts..!!!"

"It will be over soon petit"



Your vision went hazy from the pain, and you closed your eyes. Shit, you were still an apprentice so you could only do minor healing spells. If only you had gotten away faster.. What would master merasmus say if he saw you like this..?


Merasmus flew down and found you in Spy's arms while Medic was performing a quick surgery on you.


Merasmus summoned familars and they pushed the others away.

Taking you in his arms, he performed a healing spell that healed you instantly.

Knocked out, you were limp in Merasmus' arms, but your face certainly eased up.

Everything fell silent, and Merasmus had his back turned to Spy, Medic and Pyro.

With the sudden absense of magical spells flying around and random monsters disapearing, the rest of the team came rushing back.

"The hell!? Dat merasmus dude just suddenly-"

The team froze, and found you limp in Merasmus' arms. The others realized why the fighting stopped and just stood there.

The entire island was engulfed in silence, and only your soft breathing could be heard.

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