Nessie (xDemoman)

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---Author's note---
Requested by FoxyDaOrangePirate!

Demo: Foxy! Canya believe it!? The lass forgot about ye request!

Lipstick: *smiles and waves sheepishly*

Demo: Well dontcha worry naow! I gotcha Foxy! *smiles*

You were peacefully dozing off in the bed. Demo walked in and saw you, and with a swig from his scrumpy, he jumped on top of you.


You flailed your arms around while Demo laughed and gently but firmly pinned you onto the bed.

"Demo!! What the fuck?!"

He grabbed you and rolled, roaring with laughter.

"Oohh you should see tha loook on your face (y/n)!! It's killin' me!!"

"My looks aren't the only thing that's gonna kill you!!"

You started slapping his chest, but Demo just laughed harder and held you tighter.

You gave up after a while and just huffed while Demo snuggled into you.

"Don't.. ever do that again Tavish"

Demo nodded halfheartly and grinned as he dozed off, his head on your chest.


You woke up alone the next morning. Disapointed to find Demo's side empty, you got out of bed, and headed towards the kitchen.

Instantly, a warm aroma of butter and pancakes hit your nose, and you smiled to see Demoman in a pink frilly apron (a gift you gave him) cooking pancakes, bacon, eggs and fried mushrooms as he had a pot of coffee on.

He heard your footsteps and flashed a grin towards you.

"G'morning lass! Sleep well? I was just aboout to bring some breakfast for ya, but I guess you beat me to it!"

You smiled, and hugged him from behind. People always called him a drunk, but that was only because they didn't see this side of him. He was a true family man, only showing this side to you and his mother.

"You sweetheart.. where's your mother?"

Demoman chuckled.

"She went oout to toown, said she wanted to meet up with her friends"

You nuzzled into his neck.

"So it's just you and me then?"

A magical sword called out.

"And me!!"

Demo went over and kicked the sword over, and went back to you, kissing your cheek.

"Aye lass, just you an' me"


After breakfast, you got dressed and headed out with Demoman, roaming the wild moors of scotland. A chilly nordic wind blew threw your hair, and made the grass and shrubs gasp and sway. Demo held onto your hand and helped you walk over any ditches or holes in the ground.

Though the wind was chilly and wild, Tavish kept you warm, squeezing your hand and rubbing your face.

The two of you sat down at a distance from some sheep grazing peacefully.

"I love ya lass.. I'd do anythin' for ye"

You gave him a sly grin.


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