Cashier (x2Snipers)

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----Author's note-----

Requested by ASacredOrange! Thank you for the request! ^^

When you told your problem to your godfather, (or old uncle Saxton, which you usually called him) he boomed with laughter and continued knawing on a roasted giraffe leg.

"Aw dahlin'! Why didn't you say so? Oi can get ya a part toime job roight in Mann co!"

You grinned and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you uncle Saxton!"

He chuckled and ruffled your head.

"Though if ya just asked me to give ya money Oi would'a just given it to ya without a job to do"

"Then can I have some-"

"Nope, Too late"

And that's how you got a part time job at Mann co!


You worked as a cashier/attendant for the weapons department. Your old uncle Saxton made sure you had an easy job, and Mr. Bidwell helped you get sorted, he was kinda like a guardian or uncle too, so you adjusted very well. All sorts of agents, mercanaries, or criminals passed through, buying all kinds of interesting weapons.

Your frequent customer, Ms. Pauling and you became best friends, and you would often give her discounts, or a free sample of a new prototype Mann co cooked up. Because of this, Ms. Pauling recommended her employees to buy here often.

The people who worked with her came in often. Such as a man in a helmet looking through rocket launchers, or a giant man kept hugging machine guns and naming them, and the frenchman that stopped by brought in the most business. Buying fancy balisongs or butterfly knives.

The days went by quietly. People came by and went, sometimes exchanging chit chat about weapons (or in the frenchman's case, a tip of a hat) or just normal work stuff. No biggie.

It was a nice sunny day and you were at the cashier when a tall lanky man in aviators with a RED shirt walked in.

"'Ello, Oi was wondering if.."

His voice trailed off when you looked up and met his eyes. He was gazing in awe at your face. You were beautiful! With his mouth agape, you opened your mouth.

"Is there something you're looking for sir?"

He slowly nodded, while keeping his eyes on you. He suddenly snapped out of it and pointed at a long kukri.

"Oh, this is a new model we had released...."

He wasn't listening to you. He merely watched your little hands take the blade out, while you kept describing the new design. He felt like he was in a haze.

"...And this makes it much easier to grip."

You finished your sentence with a smile and asked,

"This is a total of $230. Are you interested in buying sir?

The lanky Austrailian nodded with a blush and paid for it. You wrapped the item up and handed it to him.

"Thank you for shopping at Mann co, have a wonderful day!"

You gave a small smile and he scrurried out.

Later in the afternoon, you were polishing a giant axe, when a tall lanky man in aviators with a BLU shirt walked in.

"S'cuse me, is there a..."

He stopped when he saw your reflection in the axe, you were like a beautiful war angel! You turned around and saw him staring at you, awestruck.

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