Barfight (xCBS)

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Starting your new job at MAMBA wasn't something you exactly had in mind. It was a shady bar that was underground in the quieter part of town, but thankfully your boss/bartender seemed like a pretty cool guy. Not to mention the pay was said to be worth all the trouble you had to go through.

Whether those words concerning your wages were true, you had yet to find out, but you needed the money, so you started your first day at the MAMBA, hoping that you could get paid and would be able to leave soon.

The atmosphere was surprisingly relaxing. There was the heavy scent of smoke in the air and the dim lighting made a rather calming effect, and the speakers had serveral of Tom Waits' music flow out. The men didn't really mess with you, as they were busy playing pool in the corner, or talking to each other. Some would just quietly mumble some druken words, and thankfully, you weren't harrassed or bothered by anyone in anyway.

"This place is actually pretty quiet!"

You exclaimed to yourself. A dark chuckle was heard behind you, your boss/bartender came into view with a weary smile.

"It won't be for long."

Just as you were about to ask him about what he said, a large bang rang throughout the bar, startling you.

"Bloody 'ell, this place is just as miserable as always!"

A tall dark Austrailian man in dark clothes was walking in as if he owned the place. The lights reflected off his blood red aviators, and he looked around the bar wearing a smug smile with his arms outstretched.

"Ah fuck you Mundy, can't ya stay quiet for one fucking second?"

A drunk man called out from a table waving his pint of beer at the tall dark man.

A murmur of amusment rose around the bar, men were smirking at each other and quietly scoffed at the drunk man, it seemed that they knew what was going to happen. Your boss grimaced, and you watched the scene before you in fear.

The Austrailian stopped in his tracks and turned around, facing the drunk man. The drunk seemed to regret what he said and started to shrink when the tall man stared and starting walking closer. He growled darkly,

"Ya want me to be 'quoiet' bruce?"

The drunk man quietly mumbled something under his breath and avoided Mundy's gaze, when suddenly he was lifted in the air by the Austrailian.

"Tell you what mate! If ya manage to stay quoiet when Oi do THIS...!!"

Mundy slammed the man down the table he was drinking at, food and drinks flew around everywhere and the man was pinned down, he gave a yelp when Mundy twisted his arm.

"Oi'll stay quoiet too! Sounds fair eh?"

The bar was cheering and yelling at the action, as if they were watching a intense football game. The atmoshpere was heated up, with people shouting, or fist pumping and around the bar food, drinks, bottles and all kinds of junk went flying like confetti. Your boss was clearly annoyed at all the mess that was being made, but could only stand and watch as the behemoth of a man apparently called "Christian Brutal Sniper" (which you heard from the screaming men) was twisting the arm of the drunk. The drunk's face turned purple as he was screaming in pain, you looked around at the mad house around you and decided to take action.

You ran up to Christian, he was laughing crudely at the writhing man under his grip. You raised your hand and slapped the tall dark man hard. The sharp sound rang throughout the bar, and everyone grew dead quiet, and you shouted,

"Leave him alone!"

Silence filled the air, and Christian himself seemed surprised for a moment. Your boss grew white and he frantically whispered for you to get back. The people in the bar merely looked at you, terrified at what might happen next. Nobody has ever crossed Christian Brutal and lived to tell the tale.

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