Distance (xPyro)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by JellyKelli!

It's been quite a while since I've written a Pyro fic! I'll give it my best!

Gunshots, explosions, fire.


With a boom, you were sent flying into the air. You hit a large canyon, and your ribs cracked from the impact. Your back hit the rocky surface crudely.


You coughed up a mouthful of blood. You were on your fours, gasping for breath as you frantically searched for your weapons.

'Shit shit shit shit!!!!'

A cloud of dust hazed your vision. A rain of bullets hit the ground, making a storm of dust and broken stone flying everywhere, probably by a frantic Heavy under fire.

You looked up to see your team's Pyro trying to sneak up on an enemy Medic around the corner. But a familiar cloud formed behind him, causing your hair to stand.

Your mouth was dry with sand and dirt. You couldn't even call out his name! You saw the enemy Spy sneak behind Pyro.

Clentching your teeth, you gave your all, and sprinted foward, clutching your side, you launched yourself at the Spy.

"PYRO!! RUNN!!!"

You took the Spy down.


It's been a few days since you saved Pyro.

It wasn't a totally big deal for you. This was a warzone wasn't it? And with the respawn, dying wasn't really a big issue anymore. You save your teammates sometimes, sometimes they save you...

But Pyro on the other hand, seemed rather awestruck with what you did.
The firebug has been taken with you ever since.

You were finished with a heist you ran with Scout, Demoman and Spy. After a long day's of work, you gave a sigh and started walking towards your room.

'Hmm.. maybe I'll get something to eat after this shower.. and maybe I'll ask Pyro if he wants to...'

Several dead mice were laid in front of your door.


You sighed, and picked up the dead charred mice and went into your room. You threw them into the trashcan, (along with the other dead stuff you've recieved for the past few days)

Pyro had been leaving presents at your door, usually dead mice. The occassional cockroach or snake he brought in were just as disturbing to recieve.

Whenever you met him in the base, he would laugh and clap his hands, or hide in corner, sneaking a look at you. (Of course, it was always painfully obvious)

After your shower, you stepped out of your room, and ignored the small pile of dead scorpions lying at your doorstep, and headed towards the kitchen.

Engineer was talking to Pyro about something, when Pyro saw you come in and ran over, hugging and rubbing his face against you.

"Whoa, hey there!"

"Oh hey (Y/n)! Back from that heist from Ms. Pauling? Grab a seat and Ah'll fix somethin' for yeh!"

You gave a words of thanks, and with some difficulty, took your seat at a table with Pyro lying on your lap, purring.

Engineer started making a grilled cheese sandwich.

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