Falcon (xScout)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by CraschTav123!

'What could it be?'

Someone, or something has disturbed the evergreens. A flash of light, cries and sounds of a strange kind of thunder erupted near the buildings that tore the heart of the forest down.

Anger rose inside you. As if it wasn't bad enough that the humans had to set up some kind of mine in the middle of your land! They even disrupted the forest's slumber as well?

You would put an end to this, once and for all.

Moonlight danced off your wings as you flew over to the site. You gracefully glided over the black forest.
Many of your little 'family' were also woken up from the great noises. Eagles, hawks and other birds flew alongside you, willing to find the cause to this happening and to protect you from it should it be nessessary.

You bared your teeth, a sword in hand as you drew nearer. A fire had started along with the thundering echoes of explosions a while back.


Your pupils turned into slits from anger. Though your looks implied you were bound to the human race, the large wings, and retractable claws you had told otherwise.

Your wild heart beated loudly with fury and your little journey came to an end as you landed gracefully between the buildings.

Walking around, you found the buildings on fire, machinery destroyed. Debris were scattered everywhere, and the stench of blood and war was embedded in the air.

Yet there was no one to be found. No traces of men, no anything. Where could they have gone? You were sure you heard the cries of men a while ago. Surely there must have been someone here? Who else could have brought ruin upon this place?

One building had an enormous wooden pillar fall, burning and crashing to the ground. You smirked at the sight. Serves these humans right for building in your forest!

Walking around, you still found nothing, no other living being to be found.

Suddenly a small cry pierced your ears, a cry you knew quite well.

"What is it dearest?"

Your little hawk cried again, flapping her wings, directing to a certain figure on the ground.

You turned towards the figure, walking towards it. Your family followed from behind, ready to attack at any moment.

You ushered them back, and drew your sword. You pushed back at what seemed to be the head of the figure with the flat side of your sword.

You gave a gasp.

A boy.. about your age was lying on the ground, unconcious. He was a bit thin, but also had an excelently toned body. His short mousey hair was ruffled from his previous battle, his clothes torn.

His face was beautifully carved, his mouth slightly opened. It looked like it would normally hold a mischevious grin instead of having blood splattered at the edges.

Taking a closer look at this strange and interesting being, you saw that his breathing was shallow.

Judging by his wounds, he was soon to perish if not treated soon.

Your eyes shook, you held your breath as you took a step back. A human, an injured human was lying in the middle of the now empty battlefield.

Normally you would have killed any human with ease. But this boy.. this one was already weakened with battle, left to die in the midst of the cold night air.

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