Octopus (xTentaspy)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by Tf2Honeybunny!

The low drawl of the narrator went on.

"And into the darkest reaches of the sea we go. It is here where we find the most exotic, if not grotesque creatures of the abyss..."

You and Medic watched the documentary in facination.

"This is so cool! I hear they still haven't found millions of species down there!"

Medic gave a smile.

"Indeed! Who knows vhat strange creatures could lie down in zhere?"

You gave a smile and watched some deep sea creatures swim lazily around on the TV screen.

"What if there's like, mermaid thingys down there?!"

Medic furrowed his eyes.

"Zhat is a food for thought.."

Just then, Spy came into the room, lighting a cigerette as he watched the screen standing right next to you.

"Hmmmn? What's zhis? A documentary?"

You smiled up at Spy.

"Yeah! We were just talking about maybe finding a mermaid or something like that!"

Spy snorted.

"(Y/n), I am quite sure zhere are no such thing as a mermaid"

You shrugged and happily watched the rest of the documentary, and Medic was deep in thought.


You were walking down the hallway of the base, in a good mood from watching the documentary from last night.

You were humming to yourself as you thought of all the interesting marine life you, Medic and Spy all watched together, when suddenly you heard a groan.

You froze.

Listening carefully, you realized it was coming from Spy's room.

'Spy..? Is he hurt??'

You were shocked. Spy would never show any signs of weakness, and hearing his groans caught you off guard. Slowly treading towards his room, you knocked softly on the door.

"Spy...? Are you in there..??"

A crazed laugh answered instead. A laugh that was usually after someone is sawed open with a bone saw.


You ran inside Spy's room and was mortified to see the mess inside.

Medic had somehow moved his entire set of quipment into Spy's room and seemed to have operated on the frenchman. Spy was groaning in pain and his lower body...

Was an octopus.

You were too shocked to even scream. Carefully approaching them, you barely managed to form a sentence.

"M-medic?! Wha..what's going on..?!"

Medic gave a wild grin.

"Vell jou see fräulein, I've decided to make my own sea creature! Facinating, no?"

Spy glared at Medic.

"Ah, yes, and I am 'our own personal guinea pig to operate on??"

Scout bounced out from behind.

"Yeah! Dat's what I'm talkin' about!"

You were confused at Scout's sudden appearence.

Scout ran out the room laughing and Medic chuckled.

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