Lucky2 (xSpy)

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-----Author's note-----

Requested by TartarusCellist!

I had a lot of fun and inspiration for this chapter, I wish I could always write like this with the other chapters too ;_;

It's been a while since you've last met your secret admirer. Counting the days off your fingers, then moving on to crossing out the dates on your calender have left a empty feeling in your heart.

He said he would come for you, but when would he come?

No, would he come?

You were more than disappointed. He was like a mist that seeped through your fingers, unreachable, Unattainable.

You hugged yourself and laid back in bed.

Trying to hold back tears, you felt like a fool. You've barely met him for more than a few minutes and he had you moping. You've been waiting for a stranger for an entire month!

None of the gifts he bought you held meaning anymore. Not when you've actually met the sender. The crystals and jewls lost their shine, paintings and clothes turned bland, and the velvet cusions and blankets were no more than rags in your eyes.

What good were they when the one man who sent them was gone?

You burried yourself in the pile of pillows and blankets you recieved, watching the dimming lights of the evening burn out into night through your window.

You tried to sleep off your loneliness when your dog barked loudly.

"Quiet (d/n)!"

The dog kept barking and scurried around outside in your living room. You were too miserable to leave your bed so you just gave up.

Your dog was happily barking at something and couldn't seem to control herself.

'That's odd.. (d/n) is usually so calm and sweet.."

The small pitter patter of your dog's feet scurried towards your bedroom along with a pair of long lean legs strolling.

You barely noticed the noise and just tried to fall alseep when your dog jumped on you and a gloved hand ran long fingers through your hair.

"Did you miss me mon amour?"

Your eyes opened in shock as you quickly sat up to face the voice.

He's here.

He really came back!

The masked frenchman saw your surprised look and smiled as he sat at the edge of your bed. You threw your arms around him as he gave a small grunt of surprise.

The both of you sat in each others embrace, you broke out into a sob. And the frenchman stroked the back of your head.

"My apologies mon cher, I'm sorry to 'ave kept 'ou waiting so long."

His words only made you sob more. All those lonely times came to mind, wondering if he would ever show up.

He crooned softly into your ear and held you closer. You slowly ended your crying. He lifted your face and held your face with his long hand, gazing into your eyes.

You returned the gaze and he kissed the side of your face, and you sighed. Your dog skipped happily behind and dug between the both of you.

You both laughed and the man scratched behind (d/n)'s ears.

"Eet is good to see you again too (d/n). I hope 'ou 'ave kept (y/n) company?"

The dog barked happily and the both of you laughed again.

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