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***** EXCERPT  ****

Omniscient POV

"August what the hell is your problem?" Kelsey yelled, anger was clear in her voice.

August stood looking straight ahead, with an emotionless look.

"All the shit ya'll been through man, and this is your choice? Does the past not fucking matter to you? Does she not fucking matter to you?"

Chris rubbed Kelsey's arm and whispered calming words in her ear to keep her from getting worked up. Nobody wanted her stressing too much, not after what happened last time.

As August and Kelsey were having their heated argument, Olivia stood in the corner, emotionless.

"You okay?" Quan asked. "I'm fine" she responded.

But she was not okay, she was far from fine.

She felt the pain coming to her chest, her throat burned to let out a cough, but she fought it. Quan noticed that she was on the verge of tears.

"Olivia, you sure you good?"

She fell to her knees and began coughing and crying at the same time.

Briana rushed over to her, and grabbed her purse, searching for her inhaler.

"Im so sorry" she cried. "I can't do this. I won't." She stood back up and smoothed her black dress down. She ran out, and a part of her wanted him to call after her, to run after her. But he didn't.

He never cared. She thought. He doesn't love me. He never did, he never has. All of these thoughts flooded her mind as she ran out of the building.

"Olivia! Slow down before you run in the street!" Someone yelled.

A big crowd followed her out, and watched the horrible scene.

"Olivia stop please! I- I love you!" A voice screamed.

Those words caused her feet to stop moving and she turned, searching to find the owner of those words. Before she could get a good look..



The following 50 chapters will be filled with the ups and downs of Olivia and August. Their love is tested countless times, but everyone has a breaking point, right?

Grab your ice cream, popcorn, tissue boxes, and vibrators. It's gonna be one hell of a ride....

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