Chapter 15

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Olivia in the mm😍😛ain't she bad?

August POV



"Can you run to the store and get me some medicine? My throat is hurting." I coughed.

"Aww, yeah babe. I needed to go anyways. Do you need anything else?"

"Some condoms." I smirked.

"You're annoying." She laughed. "I'll put on some clothes then head out. And don't forget Nia is coming to pick up Lay today too!" She yelled, going into the bathroom.

"Oh, that's today?" I lied.

I knew damn well it was today. I was tryna keep Mill out the house so she didn't have to see Nia.

I dont want her getting any ideas about Nia being pregnant and me having anything to do with it.

"You forgot?" She asked, tying the strings on her joggers.

They hugged her hips nicely, and her black v neck showed a little cleavage. I licked my lips.

"Uhhhhh, yeah." I managed to say. "I'll pack her bag and get her shit ready."

"Okay, and I'll be back." She said, kissing me before walking out.

As soon as she closed the door I called Nia.


"Yeah, you on your way?"

"Yeah. Im 10 minutes away."


"I wanted to know if it was okay if I met up with you and Olivia to discuss what we're gonna do for Lay."

"Olivia not here right now."

"I can wait."

"Nah it's cool. A phone call is fine."

She laughed. "Bye August."

After waking up Lay and dressing her for the day, I made her some cereal just as there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door, revealing Nia in a long maxi dress.

She actually looked really nice pregnant, her already radiant skin seemed to glow even more.



"She almost done with her breakfast. You can come in and sit."

She nodded, walking in and sitting on the couch.


"Layla! My princess! Mommy missed you."

Lay ran and jumped in her arms, smiling and laughing. I knew she missed her mom and I was happy that they were reunited.

I stepped in my room, calling Mill.


"Yeah, where you at?"

"On my way back."

"Can you stop and get me some food?"

"Way ahead of you baby." She laughed. "I got you a 6 piece."

I laughed nervously. "August! Where is Lay's bag?" Nia yelled. I tried to cover the speaker on the phone so Mill couldn't here.

"Nia is there?"

"Uhh yeah she just came."

"Oh, well I'll see you when I get there."

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