Chapter 21

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BRUHH....yall legit threatened me for this update lmfao. Im scared for my life.

Jk...enjoy baby.

Just a quick author's note: I'm currently taking psychology. So I definitely know what I'm talking about in this chapter.


"Oh my god!!!!"

"Why are yall just standing here? What the hell!"

Kelsey took off, only to be pulled back by Chris. "Kelsey you're not running into that street. Mama, watch her for me please?" (Mama Sheila will just be referred to as "mama" by everyone)

Chris, Quan, and August ran into the street towards the crash. It was a head on collision, a red Mercedes and a black BMW. Cars behind the crash began to swerve, trying to get out of the way.

"WHERE IS OLIVIA?" August yelled.

They walked around the crash to see Olivia on the ground, cuts and bruises all over her body. She laid on her back with her eyes closed.

"Olivia...." Chris whispered, tapping her. Her eyes opened slowly to see the three of them hovering over her.

"Thank God." August mumbled.

He was happy that she was alive.

Quan was busy dialing 911 while August and Chris sat Olivia up, checking for any major damage.

"Were you hit?" August asked.

Olivia stared at him, saying nothing.

"Sis, were you hit?" Chris asked sternly.

She shook her head "no" before closing her eyes slowly and opening them again. Her heart was racing and her skin was hot.

After about 5 minutes, the ambulance rushed to the scene along with the police.

Apparently, both drivers of the car had to life flighted, while Olivia was placed on a gurney.

At the hospital, everyone filled the waiting room. Nia slept on Mama's lap, Quan, Ashley, and Olivia's grandma, sat quietly, watching TV to take their mind off of the situation. Kelsey tapped her foot repeatedly. Her nurse mode was kicking in and all she wanted to do was help Olivia. Chris tried to calm her down by whispering soothing things, but nothing was working.

August, however, continued to pace the floor. All he wanted to know what that she was okay, that nothing was wrong with her.

"You okay man?" Chris said, walking over to him.

August ran his hand down his face. "S-she wouldn't even speak to me man. I f-fucked up." He was trying his hardest to hold back his tears, but he was failing miserably.

"I love her. I love her so much Chris, what the fuck do I do?"

"Right now you need to pray that everything is alright with her. The doctors are running tests and will be back with results. Once we know that shit, you gon' have to play by her rules, considering you're the one that fucked up."

August nodded slowly. He'd been praying for the past hour, over and over.

"I'll do anything that girl wants me to do man." He sniffed, just as the doctor walked up to us.

"Is there an immediate family member that I can speak to?"

"I'm her grandmother." Rosa stood (idk if I ever gave her a name, lmfao) "but anything you have to tell me you can say to them too." She spoke softly. She was a firm believer is prayer and faith, and she knew that nothing was gonna happen to her grand baby.

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