Chapter 27

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"Boy you should know that your love, is always on my mind."

Omniscient POV

Nervous as ever, Olivia lightly knocked on the door, waiting to pick up Layla. She was running a little late because she slept in, it was not 12:05.

Opening the door, August's eyes roamed Olivia, who's eyes were still down, looking at her phone.

She wore black yoga pants with a PINK hoodie and pink and grey Roshe runs.

His eyes examined her curves, causing him to uncontrollably lick his lips.

Finally looking up, Olivia smiled weakly, now taking in August's appearance.

Shirtless and in nothing but some polo pajama pants, Olivia raised an eyebrow, feeling her sexual frustration rush back to her.


"You're late." He cut her off, causing her to frown.

Before she could respond, he turned around calling Layla.

A few moments later, Layla came out with her backpack and her eyes barely open until she spotted Olivia.

"Livy!" She yelled, running into her arms. "Miss you." She mumbled against Olivia's neck.

"I missed you too!" Olivia said, attacking her with kisses on the cheek.

Layla stayed hugged to Olivia's leg as she stood up, looking at August.

"She ca' spend the night." He mumbled, handing Olivia Layla's bag.

"Alright." Olivia mumbled, still standing there.

"You for gettin' something?" August asked bluntly.

Olivia wanted to tell August congrats on his new single, and that she was proud of him. But she was sick of his attitude and how rude he was being.

"Come on Lay." Olivia sighed, grabbing her hands and walking off.

August watched them walk away and closed the door, not before peeking at Olivia's figure a few times first.

Olivia POV

"Hold still Lay, I'm almost done."

I decided to wash her hair and give her a hairstyle that would last for the rest of the week. With Nia gone now, I know Aug was struggling with Layla's hair. Hell, he was struggling with his own.

"All done." I mumbled, grabbing the mirror and letting her look.

I gave her a bunch of little twists, pinning the back up in a ponytail and leaving her with a little bang.

"I look pwetty!" She yelled, clapping her hands and jumping up and down.

Briana came out of her bedroom, dressed in slacks and a cute black blazer.

"Hey Liv, hey Lay." She waved as Layla waved back shyly. I knew it was going to take some time for Lay to get use to Bri, she was always like that around new people.

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