Chapter 40

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Damnnnn Daniel! Back at it again with the white vanssss😂 that video is so funny man💀

Anyways...I have competition ALL day Tommorow, so im going to have a shit load of homework to do sunday. That leaves me no other time to update but tonight.

Hope you like it :(

Omniscient POV

"Get this child on a gurney right now!" One of the paramedics yelled.

Two more men then picked up Layla, placing her on a gurney, and then in the back of the ambulance.

"Who are the legal parents of this child?" A man asked the group of them who stood outside.

"Us!" Olivia yelled, grabbing Aug's hand. He hasn't said a word since Layla fell unconscious.

"Alright, get in the back with your daughter. Hurry please."

Olivia nodded as August hopped on.

"Oh God." Briana bit her bottom lip to keep from crying.

"I'm meeting you guys up there." Kelsey said. "Me too." Briana added.

Olivia nodded before saying goodbye and hopping in the ambulance.

The 20 minute ride seemed to take forever. Layla was hooked up to an IV. And all Olivia and August we're doing was praying that nothing happened to their baby girl.

Once arriving, Layla was almost immediately sent to an emergency room and August and Olivia sat in the waiting room.

"God, please be okay princess." Olivia whispered. "I need you to be okay." Her thoughts were sook interrupted by Kelsey and Briana running into the waiting room.

"Is she okay?" Kelsey asked.

"We don't know anything." Olivia sounded defeated as she shook her head. They both sat down next to her as Kelsey nudged Olivia. She pointed to Aug, asking what was wrong.

"He's not speaking. I know he's just scared." Olivia mumbled, leaning over and resting her head on her fiancé's shoulder.

2 hours quickly passed by and everyone starting dozing off except for August. He stayed awake the whole time, waiting.

A doctor rushed in.

"Family of Layla Ryan?"

All of them hopped up, walking over to the doctor as he weakly smiled at them.

"Who is the immediately family?" The doctor asked, looking very uneasy.

"We all are." Olivia said, wanting to know what was going on.

"Alright. Did Layla have any type of headaches or pain leading up to tonight's incident?"

"Uh...she was having bad headaches. It got to the point where she would just sleep all day." Olivia answered.

"Sounds about right. This was happened because Olivia was having major swelling in her brain." Olivia eyes widened. She was no doctor, but she knew that didn't sound good.

"This led us to take more tests, and we found multiple tumors in her brain."

"Were the tumors malignant?" Kelsey asked, her nurse instincts were kicking in.

The doctor hesitantly nodded. "I'm afraid so."

Kelsey gasped, placing her hand over her mouth. Everyone turned to her, frowning. "Kelsey, w-what does that mean? What is he saying?" Olivia asked, feeling tears form in her eyes.

"Malignant is another term for cancerous. Layla has brain cancer."

August continued to stare straight ahead, not saying anything to anyone.

"Shit." Briana dropped her head, shaking it.

"No no no. No! I want to see her!" Olivia yelled.

"She's under a lot of medication right now so she won't be able to speak. Two at a time." The doctor said.

Olivia looked over at August, who began following the doctor. Olivia trailed behind, trying to hold it together for the sake of August and everyone else around her. Finally making it to the room, the doctor slowly opened the door, revealing Lay hooked up to tons of machines.

The doctor stepped out, giving them privacy as Olivia and Aug stood at both ends of the bed.

"My baybeh'." August whispered, caressing her face.

That was the first thing August had said all night, and as much as the situation sucked, hearing his voice made Olivia feel 10x better.

All that was heard in the room was the constant beeping from her heart beat. The two of the sat there with her, holding her hands.

"I love you princess." Olivia smiled. "Hurry up and get better so we can play dress up again." Tears continued to fall from her face and she didn't bother to wipe them. Her phone was ringing so she dug in her pocket to answer it.


"Yeah, me and Bri are gonna head home. I can't see Lay like that, it would hurt me too much."

"Alright. Tell Bri make sure she locks up."

"Okay. You alright?"


Kelsey sighed, knowing her bestfriend was far from okay. "I love you Olivia. You and August. Y'all are in my prayers. Kiss Lay for me okay?"

"Thank you. I will. I love you too." Olivia said before they hung up.

Hours had passed and a nurse came in. "Excuse me." She smiled, catching Aug and Olivia's attention.

They both stood up, walking over to her. "I hate to say this, but it's past visiting hours. Layla hasn't officially been admitted into the hospital, emergency room visits can't be over night."

Olivia nodded.

"I ain't leavin'." August sighed.

"Baby, we don't have a choice." Olivia rubbed August's arms.

"We will be back first thing in the morning, okay?"


They decided to stay at Aug's place tonight to have some privacy.

Neither of them said anything the whole ride home. It was a comfortable yet sad silence.

This remained even after they made it home.

Olivia sat on the bed, quietly watching Aug prepare for his shower. He stripped his clothes and stepped in, closing the door and letting the water cascade down his body. Moments later, Olivia joined him. He jumped a little when he felt her hands wrap around his torso. She laid her head on his back, placing a small kiss on it.

He turned around, grabbing her wash cloth and putting soap on it. He washed every inch of her, making sure to be gentle. He then washed her hair before placing it in a high ponytail.

"Thank you." She whispered, grabbing his wash cloth and putting his soap on it.

She did the same for him, rubbing up and down his broad shoulders.

After he rinsed off, they both stepped out to dry off. Olivia slipped on a big t shirt and socks, and August wore boxers as they climbed into bed.

This is what they both wanted to avoid. Laying in bed, trying to sleep. This was when their minds really processed everything that was going on.

August pulled Olivia into him, kissing her neck. He heard her sniff and he rubbed up and down her arm, whispering a prayer in her ear.

"She gon' be aight. My baybeh a fighter."
Idk why I feel like this chapter sucked😑


Layla has cancer :( don't hate me please and don't question why.

Love you guys!!

Wish me luck at competition Tommorow!

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