Chapter 16

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Omniscient POV

"Hello Mr. Pentwood." I smiled, taking a seat infront of him.

"You can call me Nick." He smiled.

He had a pretty caramel brown skin, and pearly white teeth. His eyebrows rose slightly and he licked his lips. Jail was definitely not the place for him.

"Nick." I restated. "How are you?"

"Well there's not much you can do in here but read and workout." He mumbled, trying to form a smile.

"And that's why I'm going to try my best to get you out of here."

"Thank you."

"Now, I want to start with hearing your side of the story. What happened?"

"My kids' mother..." He started. "Her and I don't have the best relationship. Anytime we are around each other, we fight."

I nodded, writing notes that I would look over later.

"I gave her a key, told her as long as she'd let me know before time, she could come and pick them up. I trusted her." He rubbed his face, sighing. "I found out she didn't have a real jobs yet somehow she had stacks and stacks, buying our kids designer shit." He frowned a little and I tensed up.

"I asked her about it and she said don't worry about what the fuck she do for a living. Im not stupid, I know it's either stripping or selling. So I told her to keep that shit away from my kids."

"Did she do that?"

"Nah, my son told me she had a bunch of niggas over one night, and they was all arguing. My son called me sounding scared as hell, so I went over there." He clenched his jaw and balled up his fists.

"Nick, If talking about it bothers you we can talk about something else." I offered.

"Nah, I'm good. It just pisses me off how she got to this place in her life. I mean selling dope in front of my kids? What kind of mother does that?"

I shook my head, feeling sorry that his kids had to witness that.

"So what happened when you went over there?"

"I busted in, in the middle of her making a deal. I went off on her and went upstairs to get my kids. She tried to argue with me, but I put them in the car. One of her little niggas threatened me, and I told him if she tried anything I had a glock waiting. She called the cops and complained, saying I was an unwanted visitor who wouldn't leave. The cops came, checked me, found the weapon, and arrested me for assault."

"Did they not find any drugs in her house?"

"No. Somehow the nigga ran off with it. But I know what I saw. It was a shit load of cocaine." He shook his head.

"I promise I'll get down to the bottom of this. There has to be some type of evidence in the house. Was your weapon registered?"

"Yeah, they locked me up cause I was resisting arrest. But I ain't do nothing wrong. I just want what's my for my kids." I noticed his eyes watering and I went through my bag to find him a tissue.

"Im good." He said. "I just wanna see my kids, she won't bring them down here to see me." He mumbled.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

I can't imagine what that feels like.

"I promise I'm going to help you Nick." I rubbed his hand to comfort him.

"Thank you."

I stood up, saying goodbye before the cops escorted me out. Evan was standing out in the front desk waiting for me.

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