Chapter 1

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I really didn't plan on starting on this book this soon, but it's coming along nicely.

* 2 months after Thanksgiving at Kelsey's house*

Omniscient POV

Olivia adjusted the glasses on her face with her index finger. She smoothed down her mid length skirt, careful not o drop the files she had in her hand.

After being checked, she was good to go. As if perfectly on time, a buzz went throughout the whole building, indicating it was time for visitors.

The officer walked her to one of the closed rooms, and stepped in, standing in the corner to make sure there was no violence or touching.

August was brought in by another officer.

This was their first time seeing eachother since Thanksgiving. They've talked on the phone about business related things, that's it.

August sat down, examining the love of his life. He noticed right away how slim her face was, he shook his head, knowing that she probably wasn't eating like she normally does.

Olivia closely examined August. His hair was much longer, as well as his facial hair, which was very appealing to her.

"Mill.." He mumbled as he nodded his head.

Hearing that nickname brought her a sense of comfort, she hasn't heard it in so long.

It let her know that the still cared about her.

"August" she spoke, smiling weakly.

An awkward silence grew between them.

Olivia broke it by clearing her throat.

"Well, I have a plan" she said, causing August to sit up.

"Wazzam" he spoke.

"Well, from what you told me, you and Chris went to her location just to talk about..." She cleared her throat again, wanting to avoid specific details. "A previous disagreement."

August nodded.

They were both smart enough to know that bringing up what India did to Olivia would cause controversy, and India was dead already, so she paid more than the price for what she did.

"You and Chris both say you didn't rape her, correct?"

August nodded again.

"Well, the biopsy does show male specimen, we can easily get specimen samples from you and Chris to prove you're innocent. That knocks at least 20 years off of your sentence."

August nodded, impressed.

Olivia was officially a lawyer the day before Thanksgiving. It was something she was going to share with everyone in the circle..but she never got the chance.

August always knew she had it in her, and he thought it was sexy how focused she was on this case, to say the least.

" far as the murder." She tapped her manicured fingernails against the table. "What exactly happened?"

August put his hands up in defense. "We ain't kill that girl. She pulled a gun on was self defense."

"Well what did you do to defend yourself?"

"Chris tried to grab the gun...she shot one in the air, so I pushed her. After that shit..we knew our cover was blown so we bounced."

"Where were you?"

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