Chapter 8

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Giving you another one since U haven't updated in a while.

Omniscient POV

She sat down across the table from him. She examined his appearance and tried to hide how satisfied she was to see him. After all, it had been so many months since their last encounter.

Surprised, he looked back at the guards, confused as to why she was even here.

"Watchu want man?"

"Hello August, im doing fine, how about you?"

"Man fuck outta here." He waved his hand.

She sat her purse down and took her shades off, allowing him to fully take in her appearance as well.

Her skin was full of melanin that shined even in the poorly lit room. She placed her long black hair hair behind her ears, clearing her throat. August was never horrible at the girls he picked, she was beautiful indeed.

"Nia I don't have time to play games with you. Whatchu want?"

She smirked, missing the sound of his voice.

"August...we really need to talk."

"So talk." He stated.

She was taken back from how blunt he was. All of her sympathy for what she was about to spill went out the window.

"I'm pregnant." She stated.


Meanwhile, Olivia was at home, trying to get Layla to eat her broccoli.

"Please LayLay? I'll be really sad if you don't."

She shook her head no.

"I'll let you stay up longer and watch spongebob with me?"

Her eyes widened a little.

"Yeah?" Olivia asked.

"Ok." She said, deciding to eat her vegetables. Olivia smiled to herself. She was getting good at compromising and negotiating with Layla. She wasn't her parent, so she didn't feel like it was her place to discipline her.

"That's my girl." She high fived her.

Afterwards, Layla decided she wanted to take a nap. Olivia tucked her in and looked at the clock. It was a little after 3 and she had absolutely nothing to do today.

Days like this she missed having 3 jobs. Back then, was always something to do.

Since becoming a lawyer, she quit her job at the shelter too, but made sure she still made donations to support those in need.

Her phone rang and she picked it up without seeing who it was, desperate to talk to someone.


"Livy, you answered." The deep voice vibrated.

"Quan?" She asked.


"Uhhh what's up?" She hadn't really talked to him since she kicked him out a month and a half ago.

"I just wanted to apologize. I was completely wrong for coming onto you like that. It was disrespectful to you and August. I was wrong."

She swallowed hard, not expecting him to own up to it.

"I forgive you." She said simply. She was tired of holding grudges with people.

"I'm going to have to control the feelings I have for you.  But just know if things with you don't work out, I'll always be here waiting for you."

I frowned a little, not wanting to think about things not working out with August.

"Ok Quan." I laughed nervously. "Thank you."

"Well, I'll let you go." He said.

"Bye" she hung up and laughed.

Things will work out with her and August. That's what she knew in her heart. That's what she hoped in her heart.


"You're what?"

"Pregnant. With child. A mother to be?" She said smartly.

"I get it Nia." He whispered. "Is it mine?"

She fought the urge to reach across the table and slap him. "Ofcourse it is, the fuck?"

"Well who knows what the hell you would do when you used to leave and be gone for days."

She swallowed hard and readjusted herself.

"Aren't you happy?" She asked.

"Nia this is all happening so fast." He replied honestly.

"Well you weren't saying that when we were making love!" She raised her voice.

"Making love? That's what you thought that was? Nia we fucked. That's all."

He couldn't fathom the thought of being that intimate with her. Yes, they had sex, but it was quick and to the point. Making love was reserved for Olivia only, it was something much more passionate and personal.


"Shit!" he mumbled out loud and sat his hands in his head.

"What?" Nia asked, studying him.

She soon realized that it finally hit him.

He got his baby mama pregnant, how the hell was he going to explain this to Olivia?

"She's gonna kill me." He said out loud unintentionally.

Nia smirked a little. "You don't need her anyways." She mumbled.

"Don't start that shit please."

"You don't need her. We can all be a family. Me you and Layla."

"Now you wanna think about Layla? You upped and left her!"

Nia looked down, frowning.

"And guess who has been taking care of her?"

She looked up. A part of her didn't expect Olivia to be so nice to Layla, and that angered her. She hated how nice Olivia was regardless of how she's been treated.

"That girl has a big ass heart. And im a fool for cheating on her." He said, mostly to himself.

"August if you don't decide to be with me im taking Layla and you'll never see her or this unborn child again."

"Tania you can't do that." He said, calling her by her full name.

"I can and I will. We can even take it to court. What judge will give custody to a man with a murder charge?"

"You are evil." He spoke. "Get the fuck out."

She took out a piece of paper with an address on it. She slid it over to him.

"When you make the right decision, this is where you'll find me."

She stood up, this time he got a view of her stomach and she was indeed pregnant.

She walked out and left him sitting there, on the verge of tears.

What was he to do?

He couldn't abandon Layla, or the child she was carrying.

But he couldn't leave Olivia. She is the love of his life.

What was he to do?


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