Closing Statement

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Guys....I know you're tired of hearing this but I really do love y'all.

The amount of love that this series has been shown is incredible.

To give you an idea, when I started this book in November, Save Me had just hit 7k reads. Now it's reaching 40 and that is a good ass feeling.

To know that so many people can connect with my characters, and actually feel something when I write? That's amazing.

Whether my stories make you happy, sad, upset, or even horny (don't lie lmaoo) it means that I'm doing my job as a writer.

August and Olivia went through so much and through It all they stuck together.

A lot of people may not agree with how I ended it. And this is what I have to say about it.

So many people in this world love to sugar coat shit. I don't.

I grew up knowing that life is hard and there will be a lot of obstacles.

I purposely gave Lay Cancer, Olivia anxiety, and Aug a bad temper. Because people struggle with this in the real world.

My motive when writing this was to show that not all heroes wear capes, and that when there is an end, there is always a new begining.

Lay served her purpose in Aug and Olivia's life. She tested their relationship and brought them closer together.

She helped Nia get her act together and step up to be the woman she should have been from the beginning.

Lay is my hero, and I love all of my characters but I must say she is special to me.

With that being said, I wanna ask yall a few questions for future reference.

Let's take a trip down memory lane...

What's your favorite Aug and Olivia moment?

What is one thing that this book taught you about life? Or yourself?

Which character best fits you?

What was the funnest moment in this book?


Alright, again I love you so much!!

That may be the end of this story but I have 2 others you would love :)

They are about my other fav, Jacob Latimore LMFAOOO. They are just as good though.

The Sun will shine also has Zendaya, and guys I'm in love with this story. They are such goals go read pls.

And The Struggle of Acceptance. This is more of a Highschool book but it's also really good. Show love!'

Let me know if you guys have any books you want me to check out.

Whew...I think that's all.

This has been a long ass journey man, I'm sad it's over.

Save Us - Book 2 (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now