Chapter 23

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I've been writing this chapter for 2 days. I didn't proof read because a nigga is tired as hell. But this is my gift to you, Merry Christmas!

Omniscient POV

*2 weeks later*

"She doesn't have a legal job on record, which will definitely be questioned by the judge." Olivia spoke, reading over all of the notes she's taken.

She was back at the jail, discussing her plan with her client, Nick. He watched her intently, amazed at how intelligent and into the case she was.

"Also, the area she lives in isnt cheap at all. It requires one person to make at least minimum wage, so the judge will definitely want to know how she's affording it." She added, adjusting her glasses.

"That's true. How about my kids? Are they good?"

Olivia smiled. "Yes. Because of the whole court situation and what their mother is being charged with, the state took them away from her, they're staying with your mom. She actually gave me a few pictures to give to you." Olivia searched her brief case, pulling out a picture of his two kids.

"I didn't look at them." She said, facing them down and sliding it over to him.

He grabbed the picture, lightly grazing over it with his thumb, as if he wanted to touch them.

"Neveah and my little Nick." He smiled a little, showing Olivia the picture.

His daughter appeared to be 5 or 6, and his son was about 3.

"Your son is a junior?" Olivia asked.

Nick nodded, "that's my little man."

"They are both very beautiful." Olivia smiled.

"Ms. Miller can I ask you something?"


"Do you have any kids?"

Olivia paused, biting her bottom lip. "I don't have any of my own, but there is one little girl that has my heart." She answered honestly, referring to Layla.

"Then you understand where I'm coming from when I say I just want what's best for my kids. Right?"

"I completely understand Nick. Your intentions were good and you don't deserve to be in here. I promise I'll get you out." She said honestly.

"You know, first looking at you, I didn't think you were a lawyer." He said, leaning back in his chair.

"Why is that?"

"Well, you can't be no more than 23. And you're so young, you carry yourself so humbly. it just doesn't fit the typical lawyer's lifestyle. I can tell you don't just do this shit for the money."

"Well, im 22. I started working towards this career pretty early. But I've always loved helping people and getting to the bottom of things. The money is just a plus I guess." Olivia answered.

"That's a nice quality to have." Nick said quietly. He tapped his hands on the table and Olivia looked down, noticing he had tattoos on his knuckles.

"Thank you...But, back to the case." She spoke, changing the subject.

"I traced her name to a check that was cashed by someone by the name of Lamont Jackson."

"That name doesn't sound familiar." Chris said, rubbing the side of his face.

"That's because he goes by L.J. A very well known drug dealer in New York. There has to be a reason why she would be writing a check to him. A big check at that."

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