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*3 months later*

Omniscient POV



"This my 3rd time wakin' ya ass up. It's 7:24."

"Okay okay." Olivia threw the covers off of her, walking into the bathroom. She stared in the mirror and smiled at her engagement ring. Before she knew it she would be marrying the love of her life. She brushed her teeth and washed her face while August walked in and out of the bathroom getting ready. She smiled at his attire, admiring his hair that he had been growing out.

 She smiled at his attire, admiring his hair that he had been growing out

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Walking into the nursery, Olivia smiled at her sleeping son.

Walking into the nursery, Olivia smiled at her sleeping son

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"Hey mama's baby." Olivia cooed as Aiden's eyes slowly opened. She picked him up, rubbing his back until she heard him giggle.

"Bubba you spit all over me." Olivia looked down at the slobber on her shirt. She looked up at a smiling Aiden.

"You think it's funny?" He brought his fingers to his mouth, continuing to laugh. Olivia shook her head and placed him on his changing table. She changed his diaper and placed him on her shoulder, looking for his outfit for today. She smiled, picking it out and carefully putting it on him.

"Aug where is his bow tie?"

"4th drawer!" He yelled, walking in. Aiden's face lit up as Aug made his way over, kissing him on the cheek.

"Say Goodmorning daddy!" Olivia bounced Aiden slowly as he stared at his father. He was a happy baby and was always smiling.

Olivia found the bow tie and clipped it, smiling and making faces. "All done!" She sat him in his high chair and Aug prepared his bottle.

Olivia went into her closet, slipping her dress on along with some small Chanel heels. She stared in the mirror, quickly looking away. It was taking her some time to get use to all this baby weight. She was finally cleared yesterday to workout and return to her normal activities and grabbed her phone and clutch and walked into the kitchen.

August and Aiden looked at Olivia, eachother, and then back at Olivia.

"Well....don't just stare. How do I look?" She did a spin and Aiden slammed his cup on his high chair. August laughed and made his way over to Olivia.

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