Chapter 18

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Im so depressed. So far I've taken 6 exams, and I failed one terribly. (Fuck physics) and barely passed another.

Bryson Tiller concert Tommorow and I can't even go😩 not to mention this pre cal exam I gotta take tommorow.

And on top of that, everybody meeting Aug and im over here waiting for him to bring his skinny ass to Texas.

Somebody wanna cheer me up?

A joke? A story? Anything? Maybe y'all's day been better than mine.

I'll stop bothering yall Tho enjoy...

-salty ass britt


"Baybeh will you chill the fuck out for a second and listen?"

"Listen to what! I've been asking you the same damn question for the past hour and you still don't know. So what is there to listen to? Can we just drop it." Olivia walked into the apartment, storming off into the kitchen.

She was mad that she even let the damn girl get under her skin. She had August, so what made Nia so bold enough to say anything to her? She had nothing on her, besides giving August his first child.

"Olivia I know I may be the reason behind this little attitude you have now, but I'll straighten that shit out real quick. Don't walk away when I'm talking."

"Who are you? Not my father if that's what you think."

"And im not tryna be. I just wan' say th-" he grabbed her arm but she instantly yanked away.

"August I really don't care what the fuck you have to say right now." She snapped back trying to walk away again.

It still shocked August whenever Olivia would curse, only because he remembers how innocent she use to be. But that's all down the drain now.

August yanked her back, putting her on the counter. "Olivia cut me off one mo' fuckin' time an i swea' we gon' be fightin'." He mumbled. "I was gon' tell yo stubborn and salty ass how proud I was of you. You easily coulda' beat Nia's ass, but you didn't because you're mature enough to kno' that there's a time and a place fa' allat shit." His accent was now thick, due to his frustration.

Olivia looked down, playing with her finger nails.

Truth is, she wasn't mad at August at all. She was just hurt. That was the first time anyone has ever made fun of the mental illness that she has, and she wasn't taking it too well. She didn't ask to have these personal problems, and even though she can control all the things that August's life is throwing at her, she would never leave, she could handle anything that was thrown her way. Whether it was a child, or a crazy ass baby mama, as long as she was respected, she was in it for the long run.

"You ain' got shit to say na'? You was just Hercules 5 minutes ago? So was' good Rose?"

She bit her bottom lip.

"Im sorry." She whispered.

"For?" He rose her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Gettin an attitude with you. It's not your fault baby. Im just annoyed with her."

"Trust me, I am too. If it wasn't for Lay I wouldn't even fuck with Nia like that."

August knew that soon he was gonna have to come clean about everything he's been lying about. He knew it was gonna end bad. He had plenty of chances to tell her, but he was never ready. Right now, he is the happiest he's ever been, and he hated the fact that one dumb ass mistake could jeopardize all of that.

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