Important Author's note

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You guys...I just wanna share something with you.

So all last week and Monday I had this feeling that someone was gonna die. It was scaring me because I've also been having dreams that my mom has breast cancer. I come to school Wednesday morning and it turns out a boy that use to sit right next to me in class was murdered.

Not only did that hurt my heart, but I'm even more hurt that it was his own mother who killed him.

I say all this to say that lately I haven't been feeling like myself, I feel like I have no one right now and I hate this feeling.

Also, with school, SATs, and dance, I've just been so stressed and tired and I can feel it taking a toll on my body. I've prayed and I need to spend more time on myself.

I say all this to say that I may not be as consistent with my updates, so please don't rush me or get upset because I promise I still love you guys.

And if you don't mind, I could really use some prayer.

Again, I love you guys so much❤️


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