Chapter 24

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Save Me is at 11k reads!!! Im so happy! Thank you guys so much for all of the support.
Lately I've been feeling like I lost my touch in writing, a little comment about my chapters being boring didn't help with that, either. I was so butt hurt that I deleted the damn wattpad app, lmao. Ofcourse I downloaded it back because I realized how much support I truly have.
Believe it or not, writing can be very difficult, mostly because I'm brave enough to post it for others to see and judge. Im human, I make mistakes and errors, and im sensitive about how I write. Not to forget that I took the time out of my Christmas to write for you guys!
Yes it may not be perfect or always exciting, but I want to capture some things that happen in real life, I want yall to look at mental illnesses, relationships, and even parenthood differently. My fault if that's boring to some of yall.
Cause shit, I know 11 thousand people that beg to differ😛LMFAOOO kidding.

Anyways, im a cry baby, but I'll get over it.

On with the chapter😊

*2 weeks later*

August POV

I walked over to Mill's door, knocking a few times before she finally came to answer it.

She was wearing one of my hoodies that barely passed her ass with some fuzzy socks and her hair in a high ponytail. She was so breathtaking is was aggravating at times.


"Can I come in?"

She scratched her head, yawning a little. "It's 8 in the morning August, what do you want?"

She stepped back, letting me inside. I walked over to the kitchen table, taking a seat while she made herself a cup of coffee. She came and sat across from me, raising an eyebrow. I slid the envelope over to her as she took a sip of her coffee.

"You know me and envelopes don't usually work out." She laughed, lightly.

I thought back to the first time we broke up because of those pictures, shifting in my seat a little. That shit was true, opening an envelope has always turned out bad for us.

"Open it ma."

She picked up the envelope, pulling out papers and reading over them. She sighed, placing them down and rubbing her forehead.

"What you thinking?"

"Congratulations." She mumbled, smiling a little.

I frowned, scooting closer to her. "That's all I get? Olivia the baby isn't mine, didn't you read it?" I placed my hand on he thigh, causing her to tense up.

"Yes, I did." She moved my hand, causing me to clench my jaw.

I missed being close to her, I needed her touch.

"Then what's the problem?"

"What did you expect August? That I would forget everything and jump back into your arms?"

She stood up, walking over to the kitchen to place her coffee mug into the sink.

"No. But I thought maybe it could be a sign of progress, that's one less problem for us ba-Olivia." I caught myself.

"You don't get it, do you August?" She turned to face me, leaning against the counter. "The baby being yours isn't the problem. The problem is that you lied!"

"Olivia I-"

"Did I not ask you if Nia discussed anything with you about who the father is?"

I nodded. "But-"

"And did I not ask you to be completely honest with me? You knew damn well what she meant when she told you to fix it. It's more than just the baby not being yours August." She shook her head, walking over to the couch and sitting down. I was hot on her tail.

"Olivia im sorry, aight? I mean what the hell you want me to do!"

"You can't keep throwing apologies around August! I put my all in the relationship and it seems as if you can't do that shit. What's the problem?"

"You gon' act like I don't put shit into us? That's a lie and you know it."

"First you fucked Nia, which you tried to keep from me. Do you know how much that hurt me? How insecure I felt? I still have thoughts about if you're out cheating on me, or not being good enough." Tears started to form in her eyes, which fucked me up.

I sighed, trying to scoot closer to her before she pushed me away.

"Then, it was the L.A. Trip, august do you realize that you could've gotten yourself locked up for years? You and Chris! I sacrificed my damn job that I worked years for just to save your ass! All while we technically weren't even together."

"I did that shit for you! If you woulda stayed the fuck away from that bitch like I told your ass, we wouldn't have been in that predicament." I yelled. She flinched a little, obviously taken back at my tone.

"You could've said something to me about it! You didn't tell me anything. If you wouldn't have gotten arrested I probably still would've have known to this day what went down in L.A."
It was clear that she never got how she really felt off her chest.
I shook my head, rubbing my fingers through my hair. This was the first time she's ever really told me how she felt about all the shit that I've ever done, and it was hurting me foreal.

"Got the nerve to tell me we should wait to have kids when you're willing to have them with her!" She scoffed, laughing to herself. She picked up her phone, checking her messages.

"Im not willing to have a baby with her, fuck you talking about?"

"You fucked her raw, August! You possible nutted in her, if not then you would've known from the jump that it wasn't yours. But you didn't know, you weren't sure because you know what the fuck you did." She looked up from her phone, mugging me. "That's why you kept it from me, and that's why you wanted to get tested so badly. To see if it was yours."

"It was one fucking mistake! Don't sit here and act like you didn't make fucking mistake either! Im tryna make shit right. Everyday I check up on your ass to make sure you're okay! When you were in that hospital I neva fucking left! I neva closed my eyes to sleep,out of fear that something would happen to you! So don't act like I don't give a fuck because you know damn well that I do. I would kill for you Olivia, hell, I almost did!"

She was still looking at her phone, humming as if she was ignoring me. "Put the got damn phone down and listen to me Rose!" I yelled, snatching it from her.

"Who the fuck are you yelling at? Im not your daughter!" She stood up, trying to snatch it from me. Her attitude was gettin worse and worse, and I know that im the cause of it.
"August give it to me." I thew it across the room, causing her to glare at me.

"Nigga what the hell? You got me fucked up." She said, walking over to the door. "Get out!" She gritted.

I stood in my spot with my hands in my pocket. "Ion know what else you want me to do ma."

"I want you to give me some space! I want you to think about what you did and own up to it the right way." She said lightly, still motioning for me to leave.

"Olivia if I walk out this door I swea' to God I'm done." I lied.

I would never be done with this girl, even if I wanted to. I just wanted to scare her.

"Goodbye August." She whispered.

She was really just gonna give up on us that easy?

"Bet." I mumbled.

I pulled 200 out of my pocket, placing it on the counter. "That's for your phone." I said lowly, walking out. She closed the door, causing me to sigh.

She wants to act like she don't give a fuck? Well two can play that game.



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