Chapter 2

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"Hawkins!" A voice shouts.

I lift my head from the desk, and blink a few times to make my vision clear. I'm still in Pre-Calculus. Damn, I almost forgot how long these class periods are. My teacher, and a few other students are staring at me. The heat of embarrassment rushes towards my cheeks momentarily, but then it fades once my annoyance kicks in.

"What?" I demand.

"Do you mind explaining how to solve the equation on the board?" Mrs. Sennett asks.

I would if I understood this crap.

Math has always been my worst subject, because something about having all of these different equations and decimals all put together and all of these different ways to solve them is really confusing. It isn't like other subjects where one method will work each time, because in math, for some reason, each problem has a different way of being solved.

I squint, and I'm still slightly struggling to see what's on the board. Fine print on a white board, and being towards the back of the class. Curse my 20/60 vision. I really need glasses, or contacts, because it's hard for me to see with my nearsightedness. It wasn't until my sixth grade year that I've realized that there was an issue with my sight, and it was during the vision test at school. The nurse just had me do it a second time before letting me go back to class.

"I'm waiting for your answer." Mrs. Sennett says impatiently.

"I don't know. That's why my hand wasn't raised. Like, you see all these kids with their hands raised, yet you call me. I'm struggling with this as it is, dude." I snap.

I'm pissed off as it is, lady, don't push my buttons.

I hear a few students laugh, and my cheeks heat up again. I hate starting a scene in class, but I'm just not in the mood to deal with anyone trying to give me their snippy ass attitude. My day has already started off wrong, I'm not trying to have it get any worse.

"See me after class, Miss Hawkins." She says harshly.

I slouch in my seat, and I cross my arms. Of course she wants to see me, just another thing to add to my already shitty day. Of course it would be me of all the other students in this class who are constantly disrespectful to her, but the one time I slightly get upset, she wants to see me after class.

"Fine bitch." I mumble under my breath.

I begin to daydream, not paying attention to the lesson whatsoever, and my mind just roams wherever the hell it wants. That's what happens a majority of the time in this particular class, but in every other class, I'm pretty focused.

God, how long is this damn class?

Is that kid ever gonna realize that his butt crack is out?

Did that girl really think that was a cute outfit? She's lying to herself if she thinks so.

The bell then rings shortly after that thought, and Ms. Sennett gives me a glance, and I groan before rising from my desk and picking up my bag and approaching her desk.

"Alex, your behavior in class today was unacceptable." She says, looking at the tons of papers on her desk that she has yet to grade.

"How? I didn't know the answer, and I wasn't going to make myself look stupid." I defensively say.

"Well, you could've said your answer and if it was wrong, I would've helped you."

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