Chapter 14

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"Alex, what were you thinking?" I scold her.

I don't think she's even taking in what I'm saying due to her intoxication. Everything that I'm saying is just going through one of her ears and exiting through the other.

"Calm down bro." She says calmly, dragging out each word, and sticks her head out of the window.

The wind blows her hair back and messes it up, and a wide smile spreads across her face. She sticks out one of her hands, and she starts laughing loudly into the whistling air. Although I disapprove of her going out and disobeying what the orthopedic doctor told her to do and nearly leaving with a stranger, I can't help but smile at her.

I find myself unable to look away from her, even though I should, considering the fact that I'm driving. Her carefreeness reminds me of me. When I was a teenager, and before I had started working twenty-four-seven.

She pulls her head back inside, and her face is relaxed. All of her body relaxes, and she slouches in my seat while she's still giggling to herself. I bite my lip, trying to fight off another smile that was tugging at my mouth. Trying to suppress these feelings is pretty much impossible at this point, and I know for sure that I like her.

Once we pull up to my house, I look over at her, and she's asleep. Her chest lightly rising and falling, and I smile at how serene she looks.

I walk to the passenger side, and I take her out of the seat, and into my arms. I struggle after a while, because I'm trying to hold her while getting my house key out of my back pocket. I kick the door open softly, and I'm welcomed with Bruno's loud barking.

"Shh!!" I scold Bruno, and he just pouts at me and follows me up the stairs.

I gently place Alex in my bed, and I pull the blankets over her body. I stare at her, and I can feel that wanting again. I sit down on the bed next to her, and I run my hands through my hair.

"Jesus, what are you doing to me, Alex?" I whisper to myself.

I look at my phone, and I see a bunch of text messages from my siblings. I already know that they're talking about dad and his cancer. The thought sends a twinge through my body, and I let out a sad sigh. I lay down, and my head sinks into the memory foam pillow. I rub my temples frustratedly before falling asleep next to Alex. 


In the morning, I prepare Alex her breakfast like usual, and I take out some headache medicine for her hangover. I see her stirring around in my bed, and I stop in my tracks before approaching her slowly.

"God, what happened?" She groans while rubbing her temple.

"You left the house and got drunk, and nearly went to some other dudes place." I say angrily.

"Huh?" She says and scrunches up her face. Realization covers her face once she realizes who I was talking about.

"Oh, Fabiano." She says and then sighs. "Why do you go ape shit and punch him?"

"Well, the guy was infuriating and arrogant, and he kept making these rude remarks but you probably don't remember."

"Well, still. Just because we were somewhat flirting doesn't give you the right to just punch the guy." She says, and I can tell she's getting irritated.

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