Chapter 34

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"What are we going to do?" I ask, holding my head into my hands.

As soon as I got off of work, I sped off to Sacramento without another word. My mother opened the door to welcome me, and I didn't say anything to her because if one single word escaped my lips, I would've been hysterically rambling on and on until I feel like all of the emotions that I was holding inside were gone.

I sit in front of my mother in our living room, and the silence in the air between us is tense. She reaches out for my hand, and she grasps it tightly. I can tell that her eyes are scanning my face, and it just makes me want to break down even more than I already am.

"Rian, baby, you have to be my backbone. Remember when I visited you at the hospital, and you promised me that?" Mother says, and her eyes look dreary.

"Yes, I remember, but it's hard to be someone else's backbone when you're not strong enough to support your own." I admit, and my voice wobbles while my tears blur my vision.

"I know, I know that this is going to be difficult. We just need to face reality, and accept the fact that even if the doctors prolong his life with multiple treatments, his illness is terminal. There's nothing they can to to make it disappear completely and I—" My mother continues, and I groan.

"Mom, would you please stop it? Stop!" I shout, becoming aggravated.

I stand up from the couch, and I pace back and forth while running my hands through my hair. My mothers eyes widen, and they're covered with tears. She looks confused as to why I just shouted at her, and she looks broken. Like my words just shattered her into a million pieces.

"Rian, what's wrong?" She asks, and I frustratedly wipe away a tear.

"What do you mean? Everything's wrong! Don't act like you don't know why I'm hurt. You should be, too, because this is your husband. The way you're talking about it just sounds so nonchalant that it kills me, Momma." I exclaim, and my voice echoes throughout the mansion.

"What are you talking about, Rian?" She asks, slightly furious.

"You're letting him go so easily, it's like you're ready for him to die because, oh, there's nothing they can do so there's no point in him being alive for any longer, huh?" I say sarcastically.

"I'm not nonchalant about this at all, Rian! He's my husband, and he's your father, and if I could change all of this I would! If I could stop myself from hurting like this, I would. He means everything to me, Rian. When he dies, a part of me is going to die as well! Okay?"

Tears stream down her face, and I feel a twinge of guilt in my chest. I walk towards her, and my body goes completely still as a loud sob shakes her body. Her facial expression makes me believe that she's almost to the point where her depression is inconsolable.

"Momma," I mumble, and I walk closer to her.

"It hurts me that you think I don't care anymore, Rian. Your father means everything to me, and I just hate that I'm going to lose him no matter what the doctors do." She croaks, and she cries onto my chest.

Her sobs make her tiny body tremble, and her hands clutch desperately onto the back of my shirt. Her tears make wet dots on my shirt, and her crying is muffled. The sound of my mother crying makes every part inside of me crumble, and forces tears out of my eyes as well.

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