Chapter 52

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When we got to Sacramento, it was past visiting hours and we couldn't go to the hospital. Brendan stands outside of the mansion, pacing back and forth.

"Brendan, what did the doctors say while you were there?" Rian asks, extremely panicked.

"All Dr. Quincy said was that he's very weak. He's basically bed bound, and that he's not taking in a lot of nutrients. He's lost some weight because of that, and the whole time I was there, he just slept." Brendan informs us.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" Rian asks.

Brendan pinches his lips together, and I know that expression all too well. It's that look where no matter how much you wish something was true, you know that it'll never meet your expectations.

"Right?!" Rian repeats, louder this time.

"I—, I don't know."

There's a brief silence before we all head inside, and Rian and I go up to his old room. He slams the door, which causes me to jump, and he anxiously paces back and forth.

"Damn it!" Rian exclaims, and he takes deep breaths in and out.

"Baby, I know you're worried but—"

"Why does this always seem to happen?!" Rian asks, and I wish I had the answer to his question.

"Baby, I wish there was something I could—"

"There isn't anything you can do, Alex! Saying that won't change shit! You always think that can help, but it doesn't." He snaps, and my eyes widen.

I don't bother saying anything back, so I just stand there while looking at my feet.

"I understand that you're hurt, and that you're in pain. But please just listen to me."

Rian sits on the bed, and he holds his head in his hands. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair out of frustration. I place my hands on my hips, slowly pacing back and forth.

"Love—," Rian starts, but I glare daggers at him.

Bitch mode, activated.

"Listen to me when I say this, Rian. Just because you're worried sick about your dad doesn't mean that you get to snap on me like that." I say through gritted teeth, and he sighs.

"I know, and I'm sorry." Rian says apologetically, and he tries to reach out for me, but I back away from him.

"It's frustrating for me to see you like this, but I'm not going to deal with you thinking that you can just shout at me when I try to comfort you." I spit, and he nods.

I'm done dealing with this shit. Lately I've been trying to control myself with all of these raging hormones, and Rian just set a flame to my rage.

Rian stands up from the bed, and I immediately focus my gaze on something else. The warmth from his body sends the familiar waves to my blood, but I grit my teeth and swallow bile.

The salty taste forces me to pucker my lips in disgust, and it makes my throat burn like I have acid reflux. Once the gross vomit swallowing is over, Rian places his hands on my shoulders before lifting my chin so that I look at him.

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