Chapter 9

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After the beating from my mother, I call Xiu and Savannah over. They're going to take me to the mall to cheer me up. I'm sitting on the stairs, waiting to get a text from either one of them telling me that they're here. There's a small spot of blood on the ground from where my face was a few minutes ago, and I don't bother cleaning it up because I have no intentions of coming back here. 

I look out of the window, and I see Xiu's white Volkswagen bug that her parents got her for her sixteenth birthday, and I get my crutches and make my way to her car. I can slightly see their faces through the car windows, and they both have long and saddened expressions.

"Are you okay?" Savannah asks in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Let's just go to the mall." I say quickly, not wanting to dwell on what just happened.

We drive, and we don't say anything to each other. It's just the sound of the music that the radio is playing. I look out of the window, and I involuntarily shake my leg, and a single tear falls out of my eye. I'm trying my hardest to keep myself together, but I can't do it anymore. I've already fallen apart into pieces, so I might as well turn those pieces into ashes. 

When we get to the mall, we all sit down at Starbucks, and I slowly sip on my frappuccino. My tears still slightly blur my vision, and I blink them away. There's nothing being said between the three of us for a while, and I know that they're just staring at me with pity even thought I'm not even looking at them. 

"Alex, I know that you're not okay." Xiu observes, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious." I say flatly, and shake my head.

I wince at the feeling of the welt forming on my face, from where my mother hit me. It hurts with just the slightest movement, causing my face to sting in pain.

"We just want to help you in every way we can. We care about you, Alex." Savannah says, and the sympathetic look in her eyes forces the tears out.

"I just wish my life was normal, y'know? Where shit like this didn't happen!" I exclaim, and I hold my head in my hands.

I bite my lip, and try to hold back a loud sob. I just stare at the floor, and my tears make polka dots on my jeans. This is just too much for me to handle. Going back home is not an option because I know what will happen. The look in my mother's eyes was different from any other time she has beaten me. There was nothing but pure rage in her eyes. I truly thought that she'd keep going until I died. 

"Do you want a tissue?" Xiu asks softly.

I weakly nod my head, and they both walk to the bathroom. I'm all alone at the table, just playing with my thumbs which still have some dried blood on them. 

"Can I get a Venti dark roast?" A familiar voice asks.

I look up, and my heart stops. 

Dr. Rian.

What's he doing here?

I almost didn't recognize him because he's not in his doctors clothing. He's wearing a gray, v-neck sweater, and dark jeans with some sneakers. I cannot help but stare at him like an idiot as he's paying the cashier, engaging in a brief conversation with them. 

He looks over, and surprise paints his face. Dr. Rian walks over to where I am, and my heart has that familiar fluttery feeling. 

"Alexandrianna?" He says, in complete shock.

"Hi." I say shyly.

"Are you crying?" He asks, and he sits down at the table with me.

If my heart wasn't pounding before, it sure is now. 

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