Chapter 39

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After the talk Rian and I had at the pier, he takes my hand and leads me throughout the mansion as he tries to find the drawing room.

"Ah, there are the two lovebirds." A man calls out.

We both turn around, and I see a man with blonde hair and blue eyes in a crisp gray suit, and he's a little shorter than Rian.

"Brendan, there you are! Where have you been?" Rian exclaims.

"I've been here, but all those drunk bitches were stuck on me like I was a magnet." Brendan says, giving a conceited smirk.

"This must be your brother." I ask, slightly rolling my eyes at his arrogance.

"Yes, and you must be Alex. How'd you know?" Brendan says, eyeing me up and down.

"I guessed by your big-headed ness. Vanessa and I talked at the pier, she told me a little bit about you." I say, and I can faintly hear Rian chuckle.

"Oh, I'm not as bad as she makes me seem to be." Brendan says, slightly pouting.

"I wouldn't doubt Vanessa's judgement." I say in a snippy tone, and he laughs.

"You've got a mouth on you, Alex. I like that." Brendan says, semi-flirtatiously.

Brendan bites his lower lip before his eyes flicker up and down, making feel uncomfortable to say the least. Brendan is the older brother, but I can tell that he tries to be more like Rian. I can tell by how he's trying to mimic Rian's flirtatious banter. It's so natural when I'm with Rian, it's like he doesn't even have to try to impress me, whereas Brendan trying to act flirty looks forced and unnatural.

But apparently he's the "chick magnet".

He wishes he was.

It's almost as if he's forgotten that I've been Rian's girlfriend for months now.

I just met him not even a couple of minutes ago, and he's already flirting with me right in front of Rian. What an asshole.

"Brendan, in case you forgot, Alex is my girlfriend. Not some girl that you think is hot and that you can flirt with." Rian says, wrapping his arm around me.

"So Alex isn't in my league, but she's in yours?" Brendan says, and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I am. Rian is intelligent, respectable and Rian isn't at the point where he feels the need to flirt with every girl he sees, and if he did, the girl wouldn't be vomiting internally at the sight of you." I say, and I smirk when I can hear his ego crumbling.

Brendan just stands there, not really sure of what to say back to me because he knows that I'm right. I cross my arms, quirking my eyebrow at him as my smirk continues to widen. I can feel Rian's eyes on me, and his eyes send warmth to where he's staring. The warmth spreads to my legs, and then to my face.

"Now, if you don't mind. Rian and I would like to speak to someone that's actually relevant." I say, and I turn around before grabbing Rian's hand and strutting away.

As Rian and I make our way to the drawing room again, the warmth doesn't leave my body, and I finally look back at him.

"Sorry if I was being a bitch, it's just that he was really getting on my nerves." I admit, and I give off a big sigh.

"Don't apologize, I've been waiting for someone to put him in his place."

"Why didn't you put him in his place? I mean, you are his brother." I state, and Rian shakes his head.

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