Chapter 6

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It's around night time, and I can tell because I can hear people who work in the hospital saying goodbye to each other and talking about how rough their shift was. I'm still laying in bed, barely moving. I've been on my phone, on every one of my social media accounts, posting a picture of my knee, and explaining what happened. 

I feel the strong urge to pee, and I slowly lift the top half of my body. I turn myself slowly, and grab the crutches that are near the bed. Trying to get used to these crutches has been a bit more difficult than I could've imagined, but it's my only way of getting around until I can actually walk again. I hoist myself up, and try to maneuver carefully. I'm moving at a turtles pace to the bathroom, when I see the curtain get drawn back.

"Dr. Rian Peterson, hi." I say and smile. 

He seems slightly fatigued, but not completely exhausted. I can tell that he was in the middle of caring for a different patient because the clipboard and a couple of other things that he holds are definitely not for me and my condition.

"What are you doing? You should be resting." Dr. Peterson asks sounding concerned, and he sets down his clipboard. 

"I need to piss," I mutter. "But I can't get anywhere because I don't know how to use these crutches."

He laughs and he comes over to me. My face is about level with his collarbone, and his breath smells like fruit. Usually, I'm pretty tall next to every man that I encounter, in fact, I'm almost always the same height as them, but this time, I'm being towered over. 

"Let me help you with that." He says.

I feel my body teetering, and I almost fall onto the floor, but I luckily manage to steady myself by placing my hands on his waist. He stares at me, and a smirk tugs at his lip. I chuckle nervously, and look back down at my knee. Both of us have slightly shaky breathing, and this causes me to smile for some odd reason.

My heart has been on a rollercoaster all day, and I knew for sure that it's going to be while before it finally gets off.

"It's okay, I gotcha." He says and holds onto my shoulder.

I grab the crutches again, and nudge them under my arms. Dr. Rian Peterson places his hand on the small of my back, and he fixes my posture by helping me stand up straight instead of slouching. 

His longer finger tips brush against an inch of bare skin underneath my hospital gown, and it feels like a fire has been ignited on that one part of my body. This is a strange, foreign feeling that I haven't felt in such a long time, but I'm enjoying it. I quickly try to shake away any of this feeling from my body, because I know it isn't right to feel this way about him. 

"Slowly, just like that." He quietly instructs me, and I'm smirking like a pervert.

I suppress a laugh, and it sounds like a grumble. He looks at me momentarily before focusing his attention on my knee instead of my sudden laughter. 

My mind is so inappropriate.

I partially blame Savannah for that, because her mind is constantly in the gutter, and she passed down her dirty mind to me. After being friends with someone for a few years, you start to acquire their personality traits. 

"Okay, I think I got the hang of it. Thanks." I say and shakily let out a laugh.

Yes, he makes me nervous. 

For what reason? I don't know. 

I hope that he can't tell that I'm shaky around him, because my legs feel like they're wobbling even though they're completely stable. It's a strange feeling. 

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