Chapter 4

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"Mom, why are you here?" I spit.

The fact that she even showed up makes me feel sick to my stomach. She's going to try and make everyone here think that she's genuinely concerned and that she's going to be there for me. They definitely don't know who she really is. 

"I wanted to see if you were okay. Can't I do that for my daughter?" Mom asks, putting a smile on her face.

To everybody else, that smile would seem sincere. But in my eyes, that was the most fake smile I've ever seen. That's the smile before she completely snaps and goes absolutely ballistic. It's the smile that I briefly saw at my father's funeral, just before his casket was lowered into the ground. 

"No, you can't do that for me! I don't need you to, I can support myself and plus I have Xiu and Savannah. They've been there for me more times than I can count, and you haven't!" I shout.

"I—, I'll be outside." Dr. Rian Peterson says awkwardly and speed walks out of the room.

I'm all alone with the demon that is my mother, and I look away from her devilish eyes. Behind that fake smile is still the same person, and I'm not going to let my guards down because she's supposedly worried about my condition.  

I'm smarter than that.

"I've been thinking about it lately, and I can't stand myself because of how I treated you. You're my child, and I love you. I miss you." She admits, and I roll my eyes.

"You miss me? What do you mean, you stupid bitch?" I vociferate.

I'm tired of being weak and not defending myself, and after all of these years, I deserve to go off on her.

"Alexandrianna! Quit it! And when I say that I miss you, I say I miss how you and I were before your father passed."

If you're going to lie to me, at least sound believable.

"You know what you can miss me with? Miss me with that bullshit! Don't say that you miss the way that we were, you deliberately destroyed our bond! Don't put this shit on me. Don't." I yell, and a slight growl leaves my mouth towards the end of my statement.

She cannot say that she misses the bond we used to have when she's the one who voluntarily obliterated our relationship. She was the one who completely ruined whatever love that I had left for her. 

"Alex, no matter what, I'm your mother. I love you, you love me." She says calmly, and I taste bile.

Love? Hitting your own daughter in the face is considered love?

"No the fuck you don't. I'm not stupid, mom. You don't love me, and I don't love you. If you did, you wouldn't have been abusing me for all of these years. Don't ever speak to me again. I hate you!" I yell.

"Alex, please." She comes over, and wraps her arms around me.

"Get off me!" I scream, and I start crying again.

The way her arms feel around me is foreign, if it were my father, it'd feel like the best thing in the world. Every time she places her hands on me, it always escalates into more, and then I end up shaking on the ground, already feeling the bruises forming. That's why I cannot help but start screaming when she touches me.

"Alex, listen to me!" She shouts.

"No, leave me alone!" I scream, and my throat is sore.

I start coughing, and my crying is loud. I'm thrashing around, and I feel something press against my bad knee, and I cry out in pain. I'm still defenseless no matter how hard I try to escape from her grasp, because I cannot get up to run away and get help. I'm stuck in my bed, just desperately trying to get her away with just my hands. 

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