Chapter 19

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"Is she?" My mother asks, with curiosity painted over her face.

"It feels like it, yeah." I confess bashfully, and my cheeks warm up at the thought of her.

"This makes me think of myself and your father. I had fallen in love with him so quickly, and I think that's how you feel about Alex." My mother explains, and I nod my head.

"This girl, she just-, gets me. I feel like she knows a part of me that even I don't know exists. This is just... it's-" I stammer, trying to find the proper word to describe how I feel.

"Ineffable." My mother says with a small smirk.

"Yeah," I say and I sigh. "I've known this girl for over a month, and she's already made me feel like I've liked her for way longer. Momma, can I ask you something?" I ask, and I follow her to the refrigerator.

"Sure, you can ask anything." She says while grabbing some peppers.

"This is kind of cringeworthy to ask, but I'm going to anyway. Is there an appropriate time to-, physically love her? We've kissed before, but I'm talking about-"

"You could've been in a relationship for a week, or you could've been in a relationship for over five years. As long as she's okay with it, and you feel sure enough, I don't think it's ever too soon." She says.

"I just think about the lessons you guys gave me every time I get intimate with her, and I always ask if-"

"Rian, baby. I love how worried you are about this girl, and I love how you still come to your father and I for advice about these things. Does it seem like she's willing to wait?" She asks while holding my hands.

"Yes, in fact, I think waiting is the best thing to do until she feels comfortable."

"Do whatever you feel is right, baby. She should respect your decision."

I help my mother finish cooking, and after we're done, I go upstairs and into my room. It's a calming silence in the air, and I let myself get lost in my brain. All of the things that have happened over the past month swim through my mind.

This really is crazy. Alex and I met because she had dislocated her knee, and I was the doctor assigned to take care of her and perform her reduction. When I saw her sitting alone at Starbucks, the tears falling down her face made me ache inside. Like I was feeling the pain she had. I couldn't just leave her there, especially after what her mother did to her. Alex needed a place to stay where she wouldn't have to worry about being abused, and I knew that I was capable of providing that.

Alex and I are just starting, so I need to just wait for her. Especially after what happened during her sophomore year, I need to be cautious of my self control.


On Thursday, my family all go to the doctors together for my fathers first cancer treatment appointment. We all sit together in the waiting room, and my mother anxiously shakes her leg while we wait.

"Daniel Peterson?" A young woman says, and we all stand from our chairs and follow her.

Once we're in the room with the doctor, my father sits down and my mother places her head on his shoulder.

"Mr. Peterson have you been experiencing any pain lately?" The doctor asks politely.

My father just shakes his head, and a bitter taste fills my mouth.

He's denying it.

The look in my mothers eyes is troubled, and she bites her lip out of habit so she doesn't accidentally blurt something out that she thinks will make our father annoyed. My father and his irascibility have made us all a lot more wary of the words that come out of our mouths. I absentmindedly stare at something on the wall, and my vision becomes unfocussed while the woman and her monotonous voice continues to badger my father with questions.

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