Chapter 10

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I feel something lick my face, and hear heavy breathing. I open my eyes, and I see Bruno hovering over me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I smile, and I start petting him gently while he's excitedly barking and licking me. I start laughing, and he sits in my lap, wagging his tail.

The aroma of something being cooked fills my nose, and then I see the door open. I see Dr. Rian, and his hair is messy. He holds a plate of food in his hands, and smiles at me. 

"Bruno is really friendly," he says. "He loves people."

His morning voice is husky, and I find it pleasing to listen to. It sounds much deeper than his normal voice, and I'm trying my hardest to not have any more inappropriate thoughts. There's no reason for these thoughts to form anyways because he hasn't given me any reason to think of him sexually. 

"I can tell," I say through a laugh. "He's so adorable. How old is he?"

"He's three years old, and I've had him ever since I started working at the hospital. He was a stray, I took him to the vet, and I just fell in love with the little guy." He explains with a smile on his face.

Bruno barks, and then shakes his body, like he just got out of a bathtub or something. He jumps off of the bed and stands still while wagging his tail again. I can't help but smile because he's just too cute, and the story of how Rian found him makes me adore him even more.

"I knew you'd be hungry, so I made you breakfast." He says, and I smile up at him.

"Thank you." I say politely, and I take the plate from his hands.

"You're welcome." He says and winks.

Why does he always wink at me?

The plate has two over easy eggs, and a couple pieces of bacon on the side. I also see French toast, with Nutella spread on it, and strawberries.

"This is really good," I say with a mouth full of food.

"Why thank you. I'm no high class chef, but I try my best."

I smile at him, and then dip the toast in the runny egg yolk. It drips down my finger, and I put my finger in my mouth and suck it off slowly. I can feel his eyes burning on me as I do this.

"Once you're done eating I'm going to check on your welt and bruises. Just let me know when you're finished." He says.

He smiles at me, and Bruno follows him out of the room. I'm left alone, devouring the delicious breakfast that Dr. Rian has prepared for me. Once I've finished the meal, I set the plate down on the dresser, and then lay back down on the bed.

I inhale the scent of the blanket, and it smells like strong cologne, and slightly antiseptic like how the hospital smells. I close my eyes, but when I do, I see my mothers face. I cringe inwardly and try to shake the thoughts of her beating me, but it doesn't work.

It's like I can still feel her hands, and I start crying. Again.

Why am I so weak?

I'm so vulnerable, and with my knee being in its current condition, it's making me even weaker. The past few years of my life have been nothing but absolute hell, and all I want is to try and find my heaven.All I want is for this to end, and for me to finally move on and receive some peace.

Why does my life have to be so convoluted?

I wish I was born into a life where my mother didn't feel the need to abuse me, and that my father was still alive, and I didn't have any emotional damage. A life where I had more happy memories than sad ones. 

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