Chapter 46

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My heart instantly sinks into my stomach as Vanessa utters those words. The lump in my throat is preventing me from saying any words, and I clutch into my stomach because I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Is he okay?!" I ask, struggling to speak.

"I don't know. Mom just got a call from the hospital, we didn't get much information. We're all headed there now." Vanessa informs me through her sniffling.

"Can I come?" Alex asks quietly, and we both turn our heads to look at her.

"Alex, are you sure?" I ask, and she nods before stepping closer to me.

"This is your father that we're talking about, babe. I'm going to be there not just for you, but for your family." Alex says, and she rests her hand on my shoulder.

I grab Alex's hand and follow Vanessa down the stairs. Near the door, Brendan is trying to calm down my mother. Her eyes are filled with worry, and she's frantically pacing back and forth in the foyer.

"Mom, just breathe. We're all going to head to the hospital to see him. Everything will be okay, please just calm down." Brendan says softly.

"I can't calm down! Your father is in the hospital and his condition is terminal, Brendan. What if he doesn't pull through, huh?" Mom shouts, and Brendan pulls her in for an embrace.

"We'll be okay, Mom. I promise." Brendan says into her ear, and our mother weeps into his shirt.

Moments like this are rare with Brendan. When he's actually concerned about other people, and listening to how others feel. Trying to alleviate the persons pain isn't like Brendan, unless it comes to our mother.

Once we reach the bottom of the steps, my mother runs into my arms. Her tears wet my shirt, and her arms are wrapped tightly around my body.

"Rian, do you know—"

"Yes, V just told us." I say, taking a deep breath.

"Who's driving?" Brendan asks.

"I'll drive." I say, and everyone nods.

"Oh, God," Mom says, looking up to the heavens as another tear spills out of her eye. "Please keep him alive."

We exit the house, and we rush towards my car. I open the door for Alex, and she sits in the passenger side before I rush and buckle myself in. Vanessa, Brendan and our mother sit in the back, and the car is filled with so much tension that it feels like I've been trapped inside of a box.

A box filled with anxiety.

As I speed along the highway to the hospital, it stays silent in the car. Alex shakes her leg and gnaws away at her fingernails, which only makes me even more nervous and upset. Seeing her so uneasy makes a knot form in my stomach. I try to stay focused on the road, but my tears soon obscure my vision. I force them out out of my eyes, not caring about them as they fall down my cheek.

"Hey," Alex says, and her voice shakes. "It'll be alright."

Alex grabs my free hand, and she glides her thumb across my knuckles and spreads warmth throughout my entire hand.

"What if it isn't?" I ask, and she frowns for a second before pinching her lips together.

"If it isn't, we'll figure it out together. Not only will I be here for you, but your family will be, too." Alex says reassuringly, and I somehow manage to smile at her.

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