Chapter 65

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I snuggle up next to Bruno on the couch, patiently waiting for Alex to come back home. I should've went with her, but then I'd probably be ruining her reunion with Xiu. Suddenly, the doorbell is rung twice. I immediately spring up from the couch, and make my way to answer the door.

Alex stands there, and she has a wide smile spread across her face. I reach out for her hand, pulling her inside and embracing her. I smile at the feeling of her large stomach pressed against mine, and I can feel it shift slightly as Rosie begins to move around.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I should've given you a key." I whisper into her ear, and she smiles.

"It's okay, baby." Alex replies softly, and her voice makes my bones vibrate.

She still manages to do that. I love it.

Alex kisses me briefly, and her thumb glides down my palm as her lips gently wrap around mine. We hug again, and I rest my head on her shoulder while caressing her upper back. We walk over to the couch, and I smile at Bruno as he looks up at us.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted." Alex groans, plopping onto the couch.

"Same." I reply, and I sit next to her.

Alex went over to Savannah's new apartment for a few hours, and she's glowing even more than she was when we woke up this morning. That endearing smile is still plastered on her face, and it brings even more liveliness to those chocolate brown eyes.

"Damn, you get more and more beautiful as time passes on, don't you?" I ask, and she blushes.

"Oh, stop." She says sheepishly, and she smiles.

"I mean it." I say.

As her pregnancy has progressed, she's growing more and more beautiful than I remember. I'm not saying that she wasn't gorgeous before, but she exudes so much happiness and radiance and it automatically makes me feel better.

"Well, thank you. I just had a really good time with Savannah and Xiu." She says, and I smile.

"That's good. I know you've been missing her lately, and you've been so stressed so you deserved a day where you just get to relax and not worry about the wedding."

"Yeah, but you deserve that, too. I mean, not only are we preparing for the wedding and for Rosie, but you still work so much at the hospital." She says, and I shrug.

"I can deal with a lot of things at once, but it's different for you. You've got a baby inside of you, and I don't." I bluntly say, and she sighs.

"You do have a point. I'm lugging an extra thirty pounds, I think." Alex replies, scrunching up her nose as she estimates a number.

I wrap an arm around her, and her head rests on my shoulder. We watch the movie together, laughing at the jokes and our smiles never leave our faces. Once the movie ends, we begin channel searching for another one.

"Ooh, babe! Let's watch The Notebook!" Alex exclaims, and I groan internally.

"Why don't we watch something more action packed?" I ask, and she frowns.

"No, I want to watch something more romantic." She whines.

It's not that I have a problem with romance movies, it's just that I want to have some control over the channels. We already are mimicking what married couples do, by arguing over what we're watching and little trivial things like that. I smile at the thought, because I really cannot wait to say that she's my wife.

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