Medicine for Baby boy

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April POV

Me and Kyungsoo finished Breakfast, I went upstairs to wake up Adam.
"Morning." I said, and pulled the drowsy Adam up from his crib.

He rubbed his eyes, and yawned.

I put him hand on his forehead, and his temperature actually went up.

"You are sick aren't you."

I changed his diaper, and out of his pajamas. I cleaned him up, and changed him into blue shirt that says Baby Boy.

Striped white and blue pants, and white socks. I put little mittens on his hands because he started to scratch himself.

His fever still wasn't going down. "Come let's go eat, and then I'll give you medicine." He swept his hand over his nose.

I heard Adam take deep breathes and then sneeze. Two more followed after the first one. "You really are sick.. what am I going to do."

I walked downstairs, with a still drowsy and stuffy Adam in my arms.

Kyungsoo was at the table eating an apple and happily watching the news by himself.

"Flu shots are being given out, because Flu season just started. We shou-"

"Haha. Nope, no shots for me. I hate them so much."

"Why? I'll be there."

"I almost passed out from shots before."

"Medical shots not Alcohol shots."

"I know, it's just.. this nurse when I was 10 put a shot on my arm and she hit a nerve. I felt lightheaded.. and a little nauseous. She keep technically stabbing me, until she actually like got it the right spot. So that's the story."

"Wow. I don't mind shots. But I don't want you to get sick."

"I won't. And besides I've already had the flu when I was 9. It was horrible. At least I got to skip school for 2 weeks. But.. a lot of classwork was left for me. I don't mind getting sick."

Kyungsoo just stared at me.

"Stop staring."

I walked into the living room, and set Adam down on his play mat. He grabbed his plush turtle, and he squeezed it.

I went into the kitchen. "Keep an eye on Adam for me Kyungsoo."

"Yep." He hopped up from his chair, and went to the living room.

I grabbed a baby food, and cooked it up for a couple seconds. I tasted it first to see if it wasn't hot. I grabbed Adams sippy cup, and filled it with water.

I walked over to where the two were. Adam was laying on Kyungsoo's lap, and they were both watching t.v.

"Kyungsoo you want to feed him?" Kyungsoo nodded, and I handed him the baby food.

I sat down on the couch watched the news. Usual crime, and stupid lawsuits on innocent people.

Weather is my favorite part, because winters coming very soon.

"Tuesday's gonna be really chilly, and Wednesday is gonna be blustery this the highest at 45 degrees."

Ignored the rest, and then for Friday there was a little small picture of a snowman, and snowflakes.

"Friday there's a 90% of snowfall. Snow storm Watches for all over Seoul. This is the most we've ever gotten for this time of year."

"It's gonna snow?"

"It's gonna snow!" I cheered.

I really love Winter if you didn't know. I use to bug Cara back when we were kids to go outside with me. She was either to tired, lazy, or too busy.

Now I have my own child to take out into the snow. I wish he loves it as much I love it.

"Kyungsoo aren't we gonna be late or something?"

"We should get going. My practice will start soon too." He said, as he got up with Adam in his hands.

"Wait first I need to give Adam medicine."

"Isn't Adam to young to take medicine?"

"No, Kyungsoo. They technically gave him medicine right when he was born."

"Oh.. Haha.. silly me." He said, and a small blush appeared on his face.

I smiled, and Kyungsoo handed me Adam. We walked to the kitchen, and I opened up the cabinet. I pulled out the medicine the doctors gave me.

Cleaned the special medicine dropper, and I dried it quickly. "Kyungsoo hold him still, I don't wanna hurt him. Okay?" I squeezed the rubbed top, and put it inside the medicine.

I let the top go, and the medicine filled up. I squeezed out a little so it would reach the red line.

"Will he cry?" Kyungsoo asked with a worried look.

"I don't know, depends on how he reacts to the medicine. I hope he doesn't."

Kyungsoo nodded, and held Adam. Adam grabbed Kyungsoo's finger again, and he squeezed it.

"Okay.." I gently opened up a little bit of Adam's mouth. Thankfully he didn't cry, or whine.

I put the dropper inside his mouth, and he sucked on it. I squeezed the top, and he tasted the medicine.

I quickly took the dropper out put in the sink, and grabbed his sippy cup. I quickly filled it up with water.

He started to whine, Kyungsoo started to bounce him a little. Then he started to cry.

Kyungsoo held him close, and he kissed his cheek. I gave him the sippy cup, and he quickly drank the water.

"I never knew being a parent was so hard." Kyungsoo said, and sighed in relief.

I nodded and Adam started to fall asleep. "Let him sleep. Kyungsoo you sure we won't be late?"

"Let's go, before I get yelled at."

I laughed a little, and looked at the sleeping baby boy. He's sick, and I could tell he was.

I hope he gets better with the medicine.

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