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April POV

It's been 3 days of neglect and loneliness, Kyungsoo has been ignoring me for 72 hours straight. Giving me weird stares and uncomfortable glances.

It felt like he doesn't love me anymore which really scared me. I've never felt this threatened in years. It makes me feel horrible for not telling Kyungsoo about Carlos.

I feel like crying.

This how it's gonna end? Everything good has its ending.. Like nana would tell me when I was a little kid. I feel lonely like there's no one there for me.. It's a deadly feeling.

I wish Adam were here, but he's with my mother checking out the new headquarters in New York. He's so far away, I can't call because it's nighttime over there.

It's almost noon here and the sun was shining very brightly. I was still laying in bed with my pajamas on, Kyungsoo got up hours ago I lost track after the second hour.

Remembering yesterday's talk got sadness to wash over me again.

"You're mad at me aren't you?"

"Not telling me you had a boyfriend before, and that he is still around and that he is working with you. It doesn't make me mad." He smiled with a frown following after.

"I see." I sighed.

I should've told him, I should go say I'm sorry shouldn't I? I don't know what to do anymore. Instead of questioning myself I should go say I'm sorry.

I sat up and brushed my teeth, going downstairs to find Kyungsoo in his usual spot. On the end of the couch staring blankly at the T.V screen, with an empty bowl of cereal sitting on the coffee table.

I walked into the kitchen avoiding him, I grabbed a banana out of the fruit basket, sitting myself down at the dining table. Peeling the skin and taking slow bites, staring at Kyungsoo then towards the clock.

"I'm sorry." I said out loud.

"For what?" Kyungsoo answered his back still turned.

"Not telling you." I said, putting the banana down.

"It would've been good to know earlier."

"I didn't want you to figure out like this, He just wasn't on my mind." I sigh, "I didn't remember him."

Kyungsoo kept quiet he didn't respond or react, he just stayed in his same spot. It was like he didn't care about my excuse and the stress he had previously, didn't make the situation any better.

I saw Kyungsoo stand up and drag himself over to the dining table, pulling out a chair and sitting himself down.

"April." He said making me look up our eyes locking, he grabbed my hand holding it tightly like he was scared to let go. "I think.. That we should take a break."

"A b-break?"

I'm having a baby (D.O Fanfic book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora