Pastel Pink

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April POV

"April!" Smile said once I pushed the glass door open into the small store. It was small but very cute, it was a vintage feel to it.

"Now, we want a pastel pink theme. Okay?" Sunhyun said and the girls nodded.

"Does it have to be pink?" I whined Nora grabbed my hand and pulled me away further into the store.

The girls looked through racks and racks of dress, Two pieces, Skirts, shirts, shorts and everything in between.

"This is cute." Kat said pulling a white cardigan and pink sleeveless dress off the rack. The skirt was puffy and the top was a lace material. "I'm gonna go try it on." She left and walked towards the Dressing rooms.

"Me too." Smile said following with a cute pale pink, short sleeved, Peter Pan collared dress.

"Did you find something?" Nora asked me, I was getting flustered nothing was grabbing my attention. "Do you want me to help?"

"Sure." I said looking at the pastel colored clothing.

After ten minutes of looking Nora walked up to me with something. "Do you like this?"

The top of the collared dress was pink, the skirt was white puffy too but not too puffy. I nodded and she handed me the dress.

"I found this for you too." I said handing her the outfit. It was a pink lace strapless dress with a pink blazer. "Do you like it?"

She nodded and we both headed towards the dressing rooms.

"We look so cute!" Smile squealed once all of us stood in front of the mirror.

"And here." Sunhyun said handing us all a pink shoebox. "The shoes you'll be wearing."

"They're cute." Kat said she was put on the small pink Mary Jane shoes with 1 inch heels 2 bows crossed the front strap with a little silver buckle to tie the shoe.

" Kat said she was put on the small pink Mary Jane shoes with 1 inch heels 2 bows crossed the front strap with a little silver buckle to tie the shoe

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I opened my box and mine had 1 bow. Nora's had 4 bows, and Kat's had 3 bows. They were so small and cute, We strapped them on Sunhyun started to take pictures.

"We should make an Instagram." Sunhyun said making me frantically shake my head no.

"Why not? It'll be fun!" Smile said making the rest nod.

"But doesn't SM have to approve or something?" I asked trying to make up excuses.

"I asked already. They said it was okay. So what should we call it?"

"FOUR!" Kat said.

"UNIcorns!" Smile suggested.

"Cheeseballs." Nora yawned.

They started at me, and I thought for a moment. "Musketeers."

"The candy bar?" Smile asked.

"Isn't it suppose to be 3 not 4?"

"Whatever, what they say their motto thingie, ugh what is it?" I forgot what they say all the time when they lift up their swords..

"All for one and one for all?" Sunhyun asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. That can be our little saying, red velvet has the happiness thing, SNSD has now girls generation so on so forth. So why can't we have one?" I asked and they girls

"I like it." Nora said soon the girls and Sunhyun all agreed on the username. Sunhyun started playing on her phone, "Surprisingly Musketeers is available."

We payed for our things and we all went our separate ways. I got home around 5 p.m. I saw Kyungsoo and Adam playing on the front lawn.

A blanket was layed across the grass and both were sitting on the blanket playing around. "Kyungsoo, are you ready?" I said from the car.

We were going out to eat, and I knew where I wanted to go but I wonder if Kyungsoo wants to go too.

I put Adam in his car seat and he sat in the back next to him. "I know this vintage diner nearby, wanna go?" I asked.

Please, please, pleaseeee I wanna go.



I'm having a baby (D.O Fanfic book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora