Sleepless Friend

15 4 4

April POV

After what seemed like hours I managed to get out of the car, I wiped my face with my sleeve to clear any tears that escaped my eyes.

I locked the car and I walked up the metal stairs towards the apartment. I sniffed and knocked the door I felt another wave of tears come once I saw Evelyn on the other side of the door.

"April? What happened?" She panicked pulling me into the tight hug, the tears flowed over again. I was sobbing into her shoulder uncontrollably. It hurt, it hurt a lot.

"K-Kyung-Kyungsoo said w-we needed a-a bre-break." I hiccuped after a good five minutes of sobbing, I felt her hand pat my back comforting me.

"April.." She said, I pulled away and she got some tissues to clean my face. She sat me down on the couch, as she ran into the kitchen.

Coming back with a tub of ice cream and some water, she sat down next to me. "You're gonna need this." She sighed handing me a spoon.

We both started chopping down on the vanilla ice cream, watching titanic didn't make it any better. I flat out started sobbing towards the end of the movie.

Watching the characters die, the ship sinking, and the complete chaos was a representation of what was happening in my mind.

"Evelyn!- April? Are you okay?" Daniel said worryingly as he walked into the apartment. He kisses Evelyn on the forehead which made me scream out in sobs just remembering Kyungsoo's kisses and hugs.

"What happened?- Did Kyungsoo do this?!"

"I-It's fine." I sighed calming myself down. "We needed it."


"If you need anything just knock out door okay?" Evelyn said as she showed me to the guest room in the apartment.

I nodded, she said goodnight and left I went into the bathroom to wash my tear stained face. My irritated eyes were feeling dry and they hurt when I blink or close my eyes.

After brushing my teeth with the brush Evelyn gave me, I sat down the bed and lay down my head and back hitting the soft pillows. Reaching over to the lamp and turning off the light I lay there wide awake.

I was very tired but I can't seem to fall asleep which was strange. I grabbed my phone and I looked at the time. In black bold numbers the time shone on the screen.

Thursday August 4th,
12:48 a.m.

My phone screen lit up once more with a small notification bubble, the radio Application I have installed in my phone is adding a new segment to the program.

Sleepless Friend,
With Kim Dia.

I grabbed my headphone and I plugged them in Clicking the notification I listened into the ongoing conversation.

"Hi. Thank you so much for joining me, I am Kim Dia. It is currently 12:51 a.m. On this sleepless Thursday Morning. I just landed in Seoul about an hour ago and I just settled down in this small hotel room."

"The jet lag is starting to kick in and I can't seem to fall asleep. So I'm going to sing a little, to help myself and hopefully many other people sleep tonight."

She sang and sang, what seemed like minutes turned into hours. She talked about her Travels around the world, Sang in between stories and ending was slowly rolling in.

"So sleepless friend, What do you when you can't get to sleep at night?" She asked making me shoot back up from my slouched position.

"Do you read a book?
Do you watch T.V?
Do you clean your room? Or your kitchen? Or your house? Or do you sing?" My eyes slowly started to close in there own.

"Guess I should try to go to sleep, the sun is almost up here in this beautiful and busy city. Showing another beautiful day is coming."

The screen lit up showing me that the radio segment is about to come to its end.

"I hope that you have a wonderful, restful, peaceful day or night where you are located in this magnificent earth. And I hope that you'll join me again sometime soon. Bye."

And with that the radio turned off, I looked down and saw the screen light up showing the time.

Thursday August 4th,
4:26 a.m.

I put my phone down the nightstand and I tucked myself underneath the warm covers. My eyes closed and sleep soon came in to play its role.

I'm having a baby (D.O Fanfic book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora