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April POV

"How have you been?" He asked walking a bit closer to me. "You look pretty."

"Thanks. I've been good. You?"

"Good." He smiled flashing me with that charming smile that stole my dumb fifteen year old heart. "You wanna go out for a coffee or something?"

"I can't."

"Why not. Are you dating someone?"

"Why do you think I'm dating someone?" I asked curious to hear his answer.

"Well.. With that body of yours.. I'm pretty sure you have a boyfriend." He smirked stepping in a little closer.

"I'm married." I said and laughed at his reaction. His eyes widened and he stared at me.

"Married with a ring.. Everything?"

"You think I would go back to your ass?" I asked, and smiled at his expression.

"There's always second chances." He said and I rolled my eyes, I left him and I went to the bathroom.

I changed out of the white dress into the black one and I changed my shoes too

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I changed out of the white dress into the black one and I changed my shoes too. I came back out after I finished and he was still there. "What do you want?"

"Nothing beautiful."

Kyungsoo is the only one who calls me that. No one else does. "Don't you dare call me that."

"Why not princess?"

"Shut up!" I said.

"You're the only one that can shut me up Sexy." He winked causing me to almost hurl.

"You son of a bitch.." I hissed.

"April! Let's go- what are you doing here?" Evelyn asked walking up to the animal.

I grabbed her hand pulling her back towards. "He's not worth it lets go." I said pulling her back into the practice room.

"Why is he here?!" Evelyn exploded once we go into the room. She paced the room back in forth worrying Daniel.


"Carlos." I mouth and he nodded.

"Wait what? What's that thing doing out there?!" He yelled pointing out the door.

"Shh! Both of you, you're giving me a head ache." I groaned and they both calmed down.

"Sorry, but he has the nerve.. I said the nerves to walk this building?!" Evelyn screamed.

"We're on!" Mrs.Rowan said as we walked through the doors. "Hurry!"

"April don't you dare tell him who you're married too." Daniel warned.

"I won't." After the performance we were all waiting in the room for the results. Everyone was nervous and on the edge of their seats.

The door swung open and Carlos walked in he stood in the front.

"The Korean Orchestra performed in the finals today. Their first piece The river flows in you by Yurima. Their second piece was Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven. The Korean Orchestra received a four out of four in all categories and are now nominated for Nationals, Congratulations to all of you." After those words the whole room erupts into cheers.

"Congrats." Carlos smiles as sit down next to us. I felt Evelyn pulls my chair to get me further away from the animal sitting in front of us.

"Have a restful night guys! Thanks for all of your hard work! Dinner is on me next Monday, okay?" Mrs.Rowan said.

"I have to go. They're waiting for me at home." I grabbed my violin and I put my cello away in its case.

"Need help?" Carlos asked.

"Nope." Evelyn and Daniel said as he grabbed the cello and started to walk outside with it. Evelyn following behind with my violin, I grabbed my bag and I followed them outside.

"Is there any chance so we can at least talk and be friends?" Carlos asked as I got into my car.

"No. I'm married and I'm not talking to any other guys." I said as is started to pull out of the parking spot.

"Wait! Can we meet up please? Here, my number text me okay?" He grabbed my hand and he placed the paper inside.

"Be careful." He waves once I drove out.

A call soon comes in, and I answer it.

"You're not going to text him right?" Evelyn says through the phone.

"No. Of course not, I'll let Kyungsoo boil this paper in oil, and then set it on fire." I heard there laughter echo throughout the car.

"Thanks for protecting me." I smiled.

"No problem!"

"Good night." I said and they say the same before I hang up.

I arrived home at it was almost 9 pm, once I rolled into the parking spot. I got out and I pulled my instruments out Into the garage, locking the car and the garage.

"April?" Kyungsoo welcomes me once I walk into the house. He helps me take off my shoes, and I sit down on the couch.

"Thanks." I said, and he sat down next to me.

"Your must be tired, you've been working hard this past month. When are you debuting?" Kyungsoo asked as I started to doze off into sleep.

"Early July." I sighed just thinking of how busy I'm gonna be made me regret signing.

"July? July is in 2 weeks, they gave you 2 months to practice?"

"Less. We have to go get out clothes and other stuff." I yawned, and I rested my head against Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Don't overwork yourself please." Kyungsoo said as his hands rubbed my arm soothing me to sleep.

"I won't.."

I'm having a baby (D.O Fanfic book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora