Mommy and Adam

16 4 0

2 weeks later

April POV

"Hi mom." I smiled feeling my heart jump for joy once my mom and dad walked out of the exit with a half asleep Adam in arms.

Their flight was delayed an hour for some odd reason that I have yet to ask for. But I'm just glad that they're home safe and sound.

"Sorry we're late sweetie." My mom said as she handed me Adam and kissed my forehead, "The airplanes engine wasn't turning on, and they had to have an emergency inspection."

"But thank god nothing happened when we were in the air." My dad sighed. "Your mom was getting nervous."

My parents offered me a cup of tea but I told them I should head home since its this late and Adams dying of sleep.

"Umma.." Adam mumbled in his sleep as I opened the door to the car. "Appa.." He smiled which made me freeze.

Do I actually go home or do I head to the apartment?

I thought that I was burden to Evelyn and Daniel so I'm renting an apartment for now which literally has nothing, but a small inflatable mattress and two foldable chairs.

I decided to go to the apartment, since me and Kyungsoo are still on our "break." The drive was pretty quick since it is late and not many people are out.

The apartment weren't the best condition, the bad thing was a have a mid twenties neighbor who likes to drink and go out to party every weekend which means noises and loud music vibrating through the wall.

The walls were so thin that I could hear him sneeze and cough, to the right of the apartment there's a Japanese elderly woman who lives alone she's very quiet and very kind. She gave me some Food last week which was nice of her.

"Your baby?" I heard when I pushed the door open.

"Um.. Y-Yes." I smiled awkwardly to the woman.

"He's very cute." She smiled to the sleeping Adam. "Have a goodnight." She bowed before disappearing into her apartment.

I turned on the hall light kicking my shoes off and closing the door, I went the living room laying down Adam on the wobbly bed.

I walked into the kitchen and I pulled the small mini refrigerator open pulling out the jug of milk. Grabbing a small cup I poured some in popping it into the microwave I heated it up.

"Umma.. Umma!" Adam whined crying as I ran into the room. Picking him up and hugging him tight he was crying into my shoulder I patted his back.

"Umma.." He whined, I sat down and wiped his tears smiling at him afterwards.

"It's okay, I'm right here." I shushed rocking him back and forth. He quieted down and started to drift back asleep.

"Is Adam hungry?" I asked and his eyes shot back open making me laugh.

"C'mon baby boy." I said standing up, holding his small hand we walked back into the kitchen. Sitting him on the wooden Counter top I grabbed the milk and put it up to his mouth.

Slowly drinking the substance he finished up the whole cup in one go and he sighed cutely at the end which made me smile.

"Who taught you that?" I smiled putting the cup into the sink and hugging the small child taking in his warmth.

"A-Appa." Adam giggled once I pulled away.

"Ah. Of course he did." I said ruffling his messy black hair. Adam would copy Kyungsoo, whenever they were on t.v. Dancing or even a simple interview Adam would always copy Kyungsoo's actions.

Adams tummy grumbled which told me he was still hungry. The only place open at this time was the 24 hours corner pharmacy.

Which indicated isles upon isles of junk food and heat up quick meals. But it's all cheap, it's the only thing available, and I'm not letting my baby starve tonight.

I checked the time before leaving the empty apartment once again. Locking and closing the door I walked down the metal stairs and walking down 3 blocks holding Adams tiny hand.

Pushing the glass door open an elderly woman greeted us as we walked into the small business. Walking through the halls Adam grabbed a small bag of Podo Candies, and I grabbed several ramen bowls.

Paying and leaving quickly Adam was starting to yawn. Which means Bedtime is coming soon, but first a late night snack.

I cooked up the ramen when I got home, we both shared a bowl of ramen fell asleep due to our full bellies.

I'm having a baby (D.O Fanfic book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora