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Taylor's Pov...

Where are they I'm waiting here over half hours i heard a footsteps coming out there and shadow and the door swung opened revealing a curly long hair boy taller than me muscular body wearing a White T-Shirt , Blue jeans and pair of black Converse He walk over me near the Old Piano and he ask "What kind of girl who goes here?"

Me: i don't care go away don't talk to me!!

"What if i wont"

Me: i don't talk to stranger Ok? LEAVE (i yelled)

"NOO, we can be friend or know each others if its ok"

Me: we cant..... but some other time ok--( Selena and Karlie came i drag two of them out ) Your my life saver guys thank you thak you so much!!!( i thank them)

Sel: O-ok,whose with you there?

Me: I don't even know?

Karlie: What happened to you and your father? We could help?

Me: I'm not going home today and tomorrow i want to forget what happened before, can i stay at your house guys?

Sel: Who's House mine or her?

Karlie: Mine im ok with it shall we go?

"We shall"

we arive at KArlie's House we just do our assignment , girls night i think hahahaha my father still calling me but i dont need his sermon tonight i need a relax im stressed

Karlie: Lets watch Netflix

Me: Yeah sure

Sel: Ok You choose im going to get some popcorn and you Tay get some drink

Me: what drink like Wine, Diet Coke, Beer, juice, or water?

sel: me wine

Karlie: Wine and Diet Coke

me: ok ( i roll my eyes and go get some drink for them i mean for us!!)

I got all their drink put on a tray go back to The Theater room phone rings again

Unknow Number?

I answered


Umm hey Taylor right?

Umm yeah,may i help you sir? (whose this guy)

Nothing just calling what you doing can i meet you tonight

im doing nothing, i dont even know you and you want me to meet you huh ( i say with irritated tone) Meet your face!!


And by the way where did you get my number. Tell me who give you?

im sorry if i dont tell you who i am Im Harry Styles and one of your friend give me hehehe Sorry

Wait? Your the boy who talks to me at the Old Music room?

I think i am that guy,i should probably end the call

Ok see ya tomorrow Harry

See me Tomorrow really?

Not really Bye

I hung up and walk inside the room acting like mad girl


"Easy Easy Girl"Karlie calm me and i glared to them

"Explain"I said into annoyance voice

Selena: He ask us what's your Number because he said your his Girlfriend

I froze where am i sitting
Wait What?!
No way? Im not his Girl Friend
Every Student call me a Blonde.Nerd but if Harry Tell that im his Girlfriend they would call me Blonde slut arghhh!!

Karlie: Then i give it.
Its Not A Big Deal

You've got to be kidding me Its Not A Big Deal? Huh? Its a big deal for me!!

"Why you like him"Selena Tease

"Like him,? No way even in my Wildest Dreams "i rolled my eyes

Karlie; Dont Deny it i know you Tay Tay

"Whatever, Im just going to watch and ignore you!"

We watch a Netflix whole night

Next Morning..

I woke up lying on the ground
"What The.."i whispher so Karlie and Selena dont hear it

I walk inside the Bathroom and look on the mirrow who reflect me

"What If I change myself?"I Thought to my self while staring to my face and body uargghh

"But I cant change!! Why Taylor? i just cant its too hard
Too Hard? Ohh shut up Tay your insaine"

Many thing are running inside my head im so stress im drowning my self to a nonesense things make me sick

I took a bath for 15 minutes,brush my teeth them when im done i put my undergarments my blue jeans and white V- nech t-shirt and wore my polkadots purple a KEDS ,brush my messy blonde hair and last i ware my eye glass ...
i close the bathroom s
door its seem they are awake i check in the Kitchen ohh they there are cooking some breakfast

"what are you guys cooking?"i help Selena to set the plate,spoon,fork and glash for breakfast

"Some Bacon,Scramble Eggs and PanCakes"Karlie Said put the foods on plates and we start to ate Breakfast
then when were done we change clothes for school
I got my own closet in Karlie's and Selena's house how great they let me because they know I run away or I wont go home....
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