Thirty Three

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"That wasn't I supposed to be now" I said to Ms.Finlay

"Why is that?" She curiously ask maybe she really was

Should I trust her?

"Because of my father some of it is was the Princess Things it's kinda problem for me" I explain she gasp

"Princess Things? What do you mean?" Doesn't she really know maybe not? Impossible. every teachers know in this school only them

"Don't you know that I'm the Princess Ms.Finlay?" Oh god!

"Y-your what?" Sadness can see on her eyes

"Are you ok Ms.Finlay?" She stand up then walk inside the bathroom
What's wrong with her?

Then the Door Swung open revealing Harry Holding some Test Papers

"Oh Hi babe what were you doing here"

"I got detention then Ms.Finlay brought me here to check some paper" I simply said I stood to get a red ball pen on her desk

Harry put his right arms around my shoulder while giving me a 3 pecks on my lips
I smiled to it

"What's that for?" I slap his chest playfully then giggle

"Three pecks on lips for I miss you!" He repeat it again

"Three pecks on lips for I love you" then he kiss me with full passion I put my hands around his neck kissing back while smiling

"Ahem" a cough on at my back we pulled we look at Ms.Finlay Grinning
Harry Pout while me hiding my blush under my curly hair

"No need to hide it Babe your beautiful" he complain I blush even more

"Are you two together?" She wiggle her eyebrows

" y-yes Ms." Harry scratch his neck

"Im Happy for you" she open her arms for a hug so we Hug

"I can see my self to both of you while my Husband and I back there" We both look at him

"Where is he?"

"He is here but he was to sensitively to meet our Daughter but he don't know I already met her by now" now?

Silent for 5 Minutes

"So guys help check some test paper"

"Sure Ma'am it would be great to help" I nod

"Its also Taylor Detention" he tease

This Man would be my Death for real

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