Twenty Eight

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I was in my home
Chilling like I always do when there is no school
Its was Saturday and Tomorrow is Sunday still haven't plan anything

But one thing in my mind that is

Have a Girls Day!

I search the number of Karlie and Selena in my PhoneBook

And dialled it as a Group Call

S- Selena T- Taylor K- Karlie

S- Hallooo

K- Aye

T- Hi Girls! Wanna come over? Have a girls day dad wasn't home

K- for the 5th time Taylor Alison Swift call us for a Girls Day! That's a change

T- Hey I always call you to come here!

K- you just call us to come and eat or if is there a ball and party

S- Coming over in 5

T- sure

K- lemme' pack my lagged coming in 15

T- don't have to pack your things remember you had an own room here and see at 15 girls

S- Bye muah

K- babush ladies

T- ok bye

End of the call

I hung up and while waiting for them I baked some cookies for tonight were going to watch some movies

I also cook some food for the table

"Princess let me help you" one of our maids offer

"No its fine, you can set the table for our dinner

" our dinner?" She confusedly ask

"Yes our dinner. you and others can go take a rest earlier today and tomorrow

Our Dinner that's mean maids,  body guards and other who live in this mansion can eat with us if I say so
But only if my father wasn't home

I'm a kind Princess you know

That's how I treat our servants I treat them as a friend of mine

I never ask them to do anything hard for me only respect me

I'm not the Princess to ask them to clean my nails, and I never scold nor yelled at them. its bad

I clean my room on my own
I don't want anyone touching my thing that what you think there was a reason why ☺

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