Twenty Two

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I was walking going to my locker to put all my books in there when Kendall's gang block my way

"Hey Nerd!" One of her gang said

"You should have punishment by disrespecting the King"

"Why? Atleast I don't have to lie" I said back

"This nerd have a confident to talk back!" Kendall announced everyone laugh

"Does it matter slut?" I ask I can defend my self I won't let anyone hurt me again

"How could you call me slut? YOU BITCH" She give me a middle finger on

"Is that true right? Let me te everyone you did with the 3 boys with that night you saw me" I use as a weapon the things happened that She saw me and I saw her its fair enough

"You How could you t-"

As i walk out they don't follow me thank god

"Taylor!" A man from my back shout

I turn I saw a man that I wish I never ever met!

Sorry Short chapter guys
I'm in hurry there will be no WiFi for 1 week

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now