Thirty Eight

238 14 4

I pull my lagged with me to the receptionist

"Room 103 named on Taylor Swift" she gave the key and one of the hotel man guide and help me

"Thank you" I said he just smiled

Before I close the door  someone push it forcedly

"Wait!" Karlie yelled

"What do you want?" I let her come in

"Let's eat Were hungry we just waiting for you" she said while she sit on the couch

"Go and Eat. I'm not hungry"


"Don't think about me Im good" I give her a weak smile as Karlie leave I opened the balcony to watch sunset

"I wish my life is beautiful like this sunset" a cold wind brushes my skin making me Shriver down to my spine

I look at my right shoulder I notice a Curly haired boy that was hugging a girl behind kissing her neck and shoulder
its only 2 balcony before his.

He remind me Harry
I just smile to the couple

When the girl turn to face me she give me a frown then look away

I decide to call Harry

while im waiting him to answer the phone, I stared to the clear blue water as a view

Harry- H TAylor- T

H- hello?

T- hey hazz how are you?

H- i-im good Im good

T- you sure?

H- yes. Why'd you call Tay?

T- nothing Im just missing you

H- Aww I miss you too love (water splash)

T- are you near the water?

H- ahh y-yeah Im reading my bath tub

T- ohh ok? (he is lying its sound a Ocean water)

H- sORRY taY need to go bye (hung up)

"Bye I love you" I wispher to my self as I felt lone and sad again 

when this life ends its making me harder to live

maybe They think life of a Princess is easy but NO

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