
339 27 3

2 Week Past

After school I tutor Harry everyday except Saturday and Sunday I learn something about him Alot

Everything's Perfect about him I know the True Harry Styles
He told me what he like and dont like

I told him about my self but not the Princess Thing

We Kinda Date like 4times i still not answering him for his proposal eh but I really want to answer him but dad wont approve


"Yes!?" I turn and Sel came

"Wanna hang out tonight?"

"Sure? What time?"

"6:00 were having a sleep over at my house!" I nod, bid a goodbye

I text Harry I wont be attending our tutor today

To: Hazza

Hey Harry I wont attend the tutor today having a girls night at Selena's house

My phone buzz

From: Hazza

*Ok babe have fun, but not to much fun and take care love ya"

To: Hazza

Ewww Babe! Dont call me that, thanks l0v3 y4 t00


From: Hazza

Did you just said it back?


No I didnt Bye!

Another text from him

From: Hazza

Please go up to our classroom! NOW!
Wtf why? What did he want

I just did I climb the 3rd floor and walk toward the classroom

Why so silent?
No student its a miracle

H4rry Plan something to Taylor!

That Nerd Is The Princess (Haylor)Where stories live. Discover now